I had enough

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The next day...

I woke up, I had the mark and it was so bad. I went and grabbed moms hat. She saw me, i thought she was going to take it but she said that i should keep it. To me the hat was horrendous but who cared anyways. Throughout the day everybody asked me dum questions about the hat which i said I was In the mood for a fashion twist.

Anyways, I kept counting down the days to my birthday. In just one week I was turning fourteen.
The days passed and the day before nobody told me nothing so I thought that they were saving the energy for the next day.

Well they did not. They didn't make breakfast so I went to my room. I was very upset but I kept telling myself that they didn't forget.

The whole day I was sleeping. When I woke up John was sleeping next to me. I woke him up and went to the kitchen. There was Catering and balloons so I went running to the room and there was a surprise party for me!. Mom and I said I few words and then I changed to a red dress. In the back of my head I knew they wouldn't disappoint me. Adam was in the party and my friends but I didn't give a damn if he was looking at me because he was. I just wanted to have fun. Everything was great my wound wasn't invisible but I told my mom almost the truth. I told her that I hit myself on a window but I did not tell her when, where or or how. In conclusion it was the best night ever but In one more year I was going to turn fifteen.

And back to reality, schools starting.
That's the only bad thing about having a birthday in august.

So I went to get everything organized my clothes ,my bag etc . I'm not gonna lie I was excited a little bit it was only a week away.

The week was passing by and Darin and Shanina were scared. Shanina's parents also. I told them to look on the bright side. They are going to learn so much. But I'm not gonna lie, those white kids are dangerous.

So on school morning I gave them a ride so we can go together.

Everybody was looking at us. I left them because I had Spanish at the first hour. When I got to class they were making jokes of me being Latina. I answered almost every question. I didn't mind getting laughed about until one of the boy said that the only way that I got to this country was because I was an immigrant. I snapped. And the teacher blamed me, so my punishment was an embarrassment in front of the class. She began saying things about my hair and skin color. Then she said "I wonder how the president will feel about you huh, Ms. Kennedy". Gladly class was over. I waited the whole day to get out. In Lunch they made Shanina cry. And when school was over they screamed at us to get out, I went out and one random girl said " I hope your daddy gets the message".

Shanina was crying and shaking. I was so angry that I wanted to tell my dad but I thought about it, i didn't want to seem like a coward. Even though that was what they wanted...

Days passed and I didn't talk to anyone. Same thing every day, teachers didn't help us.

I started feeling homesick. Mom tried to help but she knew something else was wrong. She tried to get words out of me every day. So I found out that she went to Clint to see if Adam could talk to me. I was so mad. So I decided I'm gonna lie.

I told Darin and Shanina and neither he or she agreed with me. They wanted me to talk to see if we could get out of this mess. "Come with me" I said, Darin nods and replies "you know he hates me". I turned around and three girls are in front of me, white girls, they started saying insults to us so I stud up for us and talked back. I got detention. I was there for almost four hours. When I got home mom was asking me a lot of questions about where was. I was sick and tired of hearing the same shit over and over again, I just collapsed to the floor.

I heard people talking around me but I couldn't talk back. I fell in a deep sleep and when I woke up mom and dad were next to me. "You okay sweetie?" Mom asked with a worried look on her face. "Yeah, I guess" I replied. Dad told me that mom spoke to him about some weird things happening and I told him all the things that happened in school. I was not going to say anything but all I could think about is Darin and Shanina.

Darin and Shanina went to another school, dad said that he will focus more on the segregation problem meanwhile I got stuck in the house because from now I'm home schooled.

From that day me and my friends weren't as close as we were.

On the bright side I got to be with my family the whole day. Dad and I were bonding like old times. Me and mom went to events. And the best part is that I got to have play dates with my siblings.

Every time I went outside I saw every woman with pretty straight hair so I wanted a change. I had long straight hair with a bandana. It looked totes cute.

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