Begging for forgiveness

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Days Later...

Days had passed and and it was getting closer to my birthday. Summer school was over but I still talked to my friends anyway. I was going to a night on the town with them. Shanina told me that Darin liked me but ofcurse I didn't believe it.

One day we went to a party. Adam was in the party I hugged him really strong. I didn't know he was going to be there. I was talking to him and all of the sudden the music stopped. They had my friends kicked out just because of their skin color. I interfered  but the club owner screamed at me and Darin put me behind him and confronted him and Adam did the same as well. We all got kicked out but I'm glad that I was with them. Adam said that he had to go so he kissed me and said softly "goodbye". Darin looked at me and kept walking. Then I kept thinking about what Shanina said. It may be true.

Darin he really is a sweet guy but he's my friend. I can't be next to him knowing that he likes me, I don't know if that's true but had been starring at me the whole night. I like Adam but even If i didn't I might not be with Darin. Like I said he is sweet but he is not my type. The parents are black Panthers and I'm the presidents daughter even if I like it or not.

    - [ ] Black Panther Party✊🏽(Black Panther Party for Self-Defense,✊🏾 African American revolutionary party,)✊🏿———————————————
I heard my parents fighting I assume she found out. I tried to sleep, so I went with John to Caroline's room. I was in the middle of the two of them and they fell a sleep. Mom woke us up and told us to start getting our stuff that we are going back to her family's home. I found dad looking to a plain wall. "It was you right?" I only said "no".

Mom called me so that we can talk in private " why didn't you tell me?" my heart broke in to a million pieces" "I didn't want  to hurt you" she hugged smiling and with tears. Dad came and begged for an apology. I wanted to go off, he knew he was wrong. It wasn't the first time he was wrong but the first time that he realized it. "Jack you've hurted me a lot, I love you but if this is how love is, i don't wanna love no more" said Jackie. He looked at me and said "I know that I've caused a lot of pain in the family and especially you and Jackie but please give me one more chance". We thought about it but image comes first. "Ok but next time you won't see me again". He said that I can be with Adam. He was a nice guy, but that doesn't mean that everything is okay. I made him believe that I accepted his apology.

It was strange that Darin came to my room. How did he get in?. We talked and he sat next to me looking at me in the eyes. Adam came in saying that he talked to someone but he stoped and asked Darin "who are you?" , they introduced themselves. It was really awkward to have the boy I'm dating and the one that likes me in my room. They left together, wish it was kind of odd.

The next morning Adam was very mad at me just because Darin told him about me. He told me that we had to get some space and that was the saddest day. It's crazy how you can like someone that much and in just a day everything changes.
I only said to him that it was okay. I cried a little bit but it was just a thing of time. Eventually time will go on and I will forget him.

Later in the month...

It's mid July already my birth day is coming up, I wondered if they're planning a party because people were in and out every day. I wanted to be 14 already. So I'll be one step closer to being a quinceañera.

Next Day...

Darin stopped and asked me if I wanted to go to a family reunion. I said yes, ofcurse. I couldn't say anything to my parents because his parents are black panthers so I had to go Secretly and denied the secret service.

I knew that even if I denied the secret service they'll follow me from a distance. But I rather have them far. I told Darin so he made me run and hide so they wouldn't see us. We bought clothes in a local shop. It was so much fun that I couldn't stop smiling.

It was sunset and we saw Shanina so all three of us hanged out together.

On are way there was a march for civil rights and sadly that was the only way . So we went through the people. And suddenly the police were passing the hose to people. I got wet, and got pushed to a window and cut my forehead. It was the worst thing ever. We went to the house after hours. His mom gave me a bandage, I haven't stop bleeding. Everything was good till we had dinner.

When we finished her mom told me "I know who you are" I avoided her. She kept looking at me. So she drove me to the house. I only said goodbye to Darrin and Shanina.

Went upstairs and Caroline was curious so she ripped my bandage. It hurt a lot and I went to get another one but I had to put a napkin till the next morning because it was bleeding a little bit.

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