Gambling Den

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Gambling is a thrilling rush that could end with great joy or extreme disappointment. It is why Rocket Raccoon likes to take the risk and play the game. It is why he purposely picked out his current location to win it big this night and leave the illegal gambling den with, hopefully, twice as much as he walked in. The place is fairly large as it is tucked in the underbelly of downtown. Only certain types are allowed in as bouncers were ensuring that everyone who walked in had enough to give the house a great profit. With Rocket's recent spoils from his latest adventure, he is able to get past through the front door without any problem. The place is packed tightly as the underground casino is filled with many oddities and people from around the galaxy to blow off their money or win it big. Though the comforts are limited. It is still humid and pack as the night just starts. Slowly, it becomes bearable when people start losing their wealth. As a result it forced many of them to leave the gambling den in sadness.

Unfortunately Rocket has too been on the losing end this night. No matter the game, or the odds, he finds himself losing more and more of his wealth. There were many times he could have backed out and left with what little money he had left. Yet, he is fairly stubborn and determined to not only win it all back, but to make a deep profit. As the night goes on that he starts to gain gradual attention from one of the nearby human bouncers. They enjoy a loser but must always ensure that they truly has the money to spend and not just gambling nothing. It isn't until a few hours into the night that Rocket takes one more risk to try and win it all back. With a roll of a dice, Rocket quickly finds himself not just losing his wealth but promising far more than what he really has on him. It is not his first time betting money he does not have. Normally he slips away and makes a run out door the while never looking back or returning. Now he recognizes his predicament, Rocket coughs awkwardly at the table as the dealer waits for Rocket to hand over the promised wealth.

"Uh-oh! Must have forgot my wallet outside. I should go it. I'll be right back," Rocket lies clearly as he gives a fake smile to go along with it. As he slowly leaves one of the gambling table, the dealer glares at him and shoots a hand gesture up to the nearest guard. Rocket notices this as well as he glances around quickly to find every route out of the building. There is only one entrance and exit however. Two bouncers stand by it as several guards roam about the den. There is no windows as to avoid being seen by law enforcement. So even if Rocket would be able to find one, he doubts it would even be able to open up properly. It does not look good as the bouncer slowly starts making his way towards him. Right now he is hoping that with his small stature he will be able to successfully weave through the crowd. Rocket starts moving between the crowd quietly. The flagged down bouncer is able to quickly spot Rocket without too trouble. Regardless of his size, he still stands out compared to all the other patrons in the joint.

He makes a beeline to Rocket who is trying to zigzag his way through the crowd. However, everyone parts way for the large bouncer cutting through the masses. Right when Rocket is just several feet from the entrance the same bouncer finally catches up with him. The large human towers over Rocket as he grabs the raccoon by his shoulder and turns him around. Rocket looks up at the seven foot tall human and gives a playful smile to him. "Hey, big fella. Whatcha need?" Rocket is trying his best to sound casual but can spot the unamused expression on the guard.

The man looks like he has never smiled a day in his life as he glares down at Rocket in annoyance. The bouncer crosses his arms as he stares him down. "Time to pay up, little raccoon," the bouncer demands.

Rocket tries to give an innocent smile. "Didn't you hear? I put it all on my tab. Just keep me marked down as an IOU," Rocket playfully taps against the man's leg as the bouncer does not look amuse one bit.

"I said pay up now. Or are we going to have a problem here?" The bouncer unfolds his arms as he stretches out his fingers. This is then followed by him cracking his own knuckles loudly as a means of intimidation. Though Rocket is genuinely not afraid of this man. He's gone up against bigger and badder thing before. A simple bouncer at a casino is really no problem for him.

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