Cynthia: It's started again.

They look up at the sky.

Cynthia: You know, one of the rumors about this place states there are constant blizzards here.

Paul: Constant?

Cynthia: I don't really understand it myself. Have there been any blizzards since you've been here?

Paul: Not one. The wind would pick up like just now from time to time, but it didn't seem to show any warnings of a blizzard.

Cynthia: Is that so?

Before they knew it, the wind had suddenly picked up even more. Snow had begun to fall at the same rate as before.

Paul: Strange. Why is the wind suddenly picking up now?

Cynthia: Maybe just the mentioning of blizzards causes it to pick up.

She giggles. They continue to look up at the sky.

Cynthia: The world really is full of mysteries. Not just this one. Don't you think?

Paul doesn't respond. They are both suddenly silent. Paul lowers his head. Cynthia turns to see a stunned expression on his face.

Cynthia: Paul?

Paul: ...

She turns to what he is looking at. She is surprised to see what appears to be a snowstorm heading towards them.

Cynthia: Paul, you might want to hold on to something.

Paul: We're on ice. What is there to hold onto?

Cynthia: There's always me.

Paul: Not funny.

Paul was not amused. He found it hard to believe even though they were faced with a giant snowstorm, she still found time to make jokes.

Cynthia: Paul... I'm being serious.

Paul: What?

She stretched out her hand.

Cynthia: Hold onto me.

Paul: ...

He reluctantly took her hand. He found it awkward to be holding hands with a champion, let alone her.

Cynthia: Don't let go.

Paul: ...!

He turned to her, expecting her to be joking like he thought she was before, but when he felt her grip on his hand tighten, he knew she was being serious.

Cynthia: I'm sorry if you feel awkward about this, but like you said, we're on ice, so there's nothing else to hold onto. So, I thought the only smart thing to do at this point would be to hold onto each other so we don't get separated, right?

Paul: ... I guess...

She smiles.

Cynthia: Sorry.

He stared at her. Even though she was smiling, he could see that deep down, she was apologizing. A thought then passed through is head. One he never expected to have. His mind was telling him to comfort her. He had no idea why a thought like that would even be in his mind, let alone how it got there. She stood there smiling, willing to accept what was about to happen. She then felt her hand being squeezed even tighter. She realized that it was Paul and turned to him.

Paul: Likewise.

He turned away from her to avoid seeing her expression. She was completely taken by his sudden action, but smiled nonetheless. She turned back to the storm almost upon them. They had both tried to look for a way out of this, but they couldn't see any way out. She tightened her grip one last time before the snow had almost engulfed them. In a matter of seconds, they were engulfed. The found themselves being blown by a very harsh wind. They knew that it wouldn't be long before they were either blown away or buried in snow.

Paul opened one of his eyes to try and see if there was anyway of escaping the blizzard one last time, but it was hopeless. All he saw was white, nothing else. He continued to survey his surroundings. Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed something that was a different from the snow he was seeing. He could actually see something through it. Unlike the snow, it seemed to have a shape. It was an arced shape. This made it clear to him of what it was. He then crouched down on the floor. He tugged Cynthia's arm. She opened her eyes and looked at him.

Paul: Get down!

She found it odd that out of all the instructions she thought he might have given her, he told her to get down. Didn't he know doing so would have increased the chances of them getting buried? Even with the thought in her mind, she did as he said without question.

Cynthia: What now?

Paul: Right from us leads to a cave. We need to get there.

Cynthia: By crawling? If we do, we increase the chances of us getting buried in snow.

Paul: I know. Cynthia just... trust me.

Cynthia: I do, but...

Paul: Look, there's not a lot of time to explain it. You just have to trust me.

She stared at him worried, but then placed her hand on his shoulder. He turned to her and was greeted with a smile.

Cynthia: I told you already. I do trust you.

Paul: ... Alright. Do any of your Pokémon know the move Psychic?

Cynthia: My Milotic does.

Paul: (A Milotic too?!) Bring it out.

Cynthia: Right.

She took out a Pokéball.

Cynthia: Milotic, battle dance!

Her Pokéball opened and out came Milotic.

Paul: Electivire, stand by!

Electivire came out of the Pokéball Paul held.

Paul: Alright, here goes. Electivire, Protect.

Electivire formed a shield around the four of them. From that move alone, Cynthia deduced his plan.

Cynthia: (Of course!) Paul, where did you say the cave was?

Paul: Right of us.

Cynthia: Alright. Milotic, use Psychic and take us right from here.

Milotic did as she was told and soon the spherical shield containing them was hovering towards their right.

Paul: Can you see it yet?

Cynthia: I can. Milotic, that's where we need to go.

Milotic nodded and sent them all to the cave. As soon as they reached the entrance, Milotic broke her control over the shield which Electivire later disintegrated.

Cynthia: Milotic, Electivire, thank you both.

They nod as their trainers return them to their Pokéballs.

Cynthia: The blizzards coming in now. We should head further in.

Paul: Right.

They ran further into the cave. They may have not known what awaited them inside, but as long as they were sheltered from the blizzard, it didn't matter.

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