The Meatballs that Teased like Vaping Pigeons

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Trista Random looked at the cursed tuba in her hands and felt Thrilled.

She walked over to the window and reflected on her Greasy surroundings. She had always loved Delicious Company of Cost with its frail, faithful Food court. It was a place that encouraged her tendency to feel Thrilled.

Then she saw something in the distance, or rather someone. It was the figure of City Face. City was a basic Pigeon with ghastly feet and rough kidneys.

Trista gulped. She glanced at her own reflection. She was a thirsty, rude, organic milk drinker with chubby feet and green kidneys. Her friends saw her as an obedient, oily ogre. Once, she had even helped an ordinary hairless werewolf cross the road.

But not even a thirsty person who had once helped an ordinary hairless werewolf cross the road, was prepared for what City had in store today.

The meatballs teased like vaping pigeons, making Trista starving.

As Trista stepped outside and City came closer, she could see the brainy glint in his eye.

"Look Trista," growled City, with a standard glare that reminded Trista of basic iguanas. "I hate you and I want Bread. You owe me 9692 gold coins."

Trista looked back, even more starving and still fingering the cursed tuba. "City, wing it out of hear, City Face," she replied.

They looked at each other with disgruntled feelings, like two charming, colorful caterpillars sleeping at a very fake caterpillar rave, which had Dub step music playing in the background and two rowdy uncles bopping to the beat.

Suddenly, City lunged forward and tried to punch Trista in the face. Quickly, Trista grabbed the cursed tuba and brought it down on City's skull.

City's ghastly feet trembled and his rough kidneys wobbled. He looked bored, his wallet raw like a late, large loaf of bread.

Then he let out an agonising groan and collapsed onto the ground. Moments later City Face was dead.

Trista Random went back inside and made herself a nice drink of organic milk.


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