chapter 6: Getting the pigs ready

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If you guys have any suggestions please tell me.

I put their clothes in the laundry and started the washing machine. After I was done with that I went to the kitchen. I grabbed a plastic bag to pick up the rubbish. They had all kind of rubbish from candy wrappers to old subway sandwich wrapper. I unplugged the game consoles and kept them neatly in the cupboard under the TV. As I was arranging some photo frame and awards when Jin came out.
"(y/n) did you clean everything?"
"Yes I did. I can't bear to look at it."
"Thanks a lot. Actually we're supposed to take care of you but the opposite is happening. Anyway I'm about to make breakfast. Do you want some?"
"I'll just have a little please."
"Got it."
I heard the washing machine stopping. I took the clothes and put them in the dryer.

Then I sat at the kitchen table. I was watching Jin cooking and we talked while the other members came out one by one. They gathered at the table and sat down. I set up the plates for them and served the pancakes Jin cooked. Most of them asked for more than one pancake. I guess they were hungry. I didn't want to intrude on their meal so I took a pancake and went to the living room but before I could go J-hope stopped me. He ushered me to the table. "Oh no. I don't wanna disturb you guys."
"No. Your not disturbing us. Beside we're your friends. You should sit with us."
I sat at the table and ate my pancakes in silence. It was awkward so Namjoon started a conversation. After eating I looked at the time I was 9.10a.m. I told them to get their bags or whatever they need before we leave. I took the plates and helped Jin wash them.
"Jin do you always cook breakfast for them. It looks like you do."
"Yup. Breakfast and dinner. Every single day. Except when we have tours or if we're staying in a hotel."
"So that makes you their mother. I'm guessing Namjoon is the father." We laughed at my joke and he nodded his head. I washed the plates while he dried them. I called the other members to come out. We got into the elevator and went down to the lobby.
My secretary was waiting for me. She took us to the car. The car was big and could easily fit 10 people inside. I got into the front seat beside my secretary. I watched her drive and memorised the road to the company building. We parked at the underground parking and took the lift straight to the floor we need to get to. I looked at the schedule to see which room they were going to be using for practice. I took them there and told them to start practising. "You guys keep practising, your dance choreographers will be here in about 10 minutes."
They gave me a thumbs up. I smiled and wished them good luck.

I went to my office which was on the same floor but the opposite direction. My secretary explained to me my task. I had to go through some old contract that had to be renewed again. I sent an email to the companies asking to meet up to renew the contracts. I remembered some few things I learned in my class. I could always make some bargaining for a better deal. I looked through the contracts again and wrote down some things that we could improve. I kept at my work for about 3 hours and my phone alarm rang. The schedule showed that they should be on break right now. There's 30 minutes before the vocal coachers arrive. I went to check on how their doing. As I was walking down the hallway I saw the room was dark. I looked inside and no one was there. I was wrong someone was there at the corner of the room. I went in and closed the door behind me. I approached the figure. It was Taeyung. He was sitting on the floor with his head between his knees. I called him but he didn't raise his head. I went closer to him and kneeled in front of him. "Tae are you okay? Why are you alone? Come on talk to me. You can tell me anything."
He finally raised his head and looked at me. It was dark so I couldn't see his face. I heard him sniffing. I touched his face and felt tears. He was crying. I held his hand in my hands and rubbed it smoothly trying to calm him. I put my hands on his face and raised his head to look at mine. "Tae I need you to tell me what happened. I can't help you or console you if I don't know what happened."
He put his hands on mine and took my hand close to his chest. He started playing with my fingers.
"It's just that I feel like I'm not doing enough."
"What do you mean?"
"I kept messing up at practice today. The others didn't say anything but I know I'm troubling them. I feels so frustrating. Like you know there's something wrong but you can't do anything. I'm failed my friends and fans."
I ruffled his hair slowly with my other hand. "Taeyung-ah we're humans. Its what we do. We make mistakes sometime and we fail too. Its okay to feel like a failure. Sometimes I do too. I've made plenty of mistakes in my life but I don't let it get me down. I try to learn from them. You know failure is a better teacher than success. I'm sure that you're fans love you and so do your friends. From what I've seen you guys love and support each other and I envy that sometimes. Your blessed. So you have to keep trying. Don't give up. Okay?"
He nodded his head and smiled at me.
"Promise me that whenever you feel sad don't cry alone and isolated yourself. Come and find me. You can always come and talk to me. I'll be here to help you."
"Thank you (y/n). I'm so glad I met you. I just wish me didn't meet like this. You know the whole accident and everything. I wish we could've met in better circumstances."
"Yeah. Me too. Come on. The others most be at the cafeteria. Let's go or they'll come looking for us."
I wiped Taeyung tears and stood up. He didn't let go of my hand. So I pulled his with me to the elevator.

Taeyung's pov

She comforted me and wiped my tears away. I didn't wanna let go of her hand. It felt warm to hold. She gently pulled me away from the dark room like I was a fragile child. I felt safe with her. I didn't feel like I need to do anything to prove I'm worth it. She made me feel strong and special. She looked so strong. Although she was small the way walked and guided me made her look like she had a dragon's pride and strength. Still I felt that underneath was a girl who needed to be protected. I kept remembering the way she cried at the hospital. She looked lost, hurt and confused. I wanted to protect her. I knew I had to protect her. I'm confused by my feeling but for now I decided to take care of her. We arrived at the cafeteria and she let go of my hands. I wanted to hold her hands longer. We joined with the other members. They were drinking their favourite drinks. (y/n) pulled me with her to the vending machine.
"Tae what do you want. I'll get it for you. It's my treat."
"Thanks. I'll have ice latte." (y/n) bought me the drink and got a chocolate milk for herself. I joined the others. They asked me where I've been. I lied. I told them I went to find (y/n) since she doesn't know how to get to the cafeteria. We were talking for awhile. (y/n) kept glancing at me time to time. I know she wanted to make sure I was okay. I felt happy that she gave me attention and cared for me.

Reader's pov

"Come on you still have 10 minutes before the vocal coach comes. Let's go."
I walked together with them to the practice room. I didn't want to go back to my office. I sat there with them. Watching them practise. From my perspective they didn't need a vocal coach. They had amazing voices. They sang and rapped well. I was surprised by Namjoon's rapping. No wonder they call him Rap Monster. Suga and J-hope were just as good. I felt bored and had nothing on my schedule. I sat on the floor beside their bags. I tried squeezing one and it was soft. I later my head on the bag and stared at the ceiling. I fell asleep while thinking.

~time skip~

Namjoon's pov

We were done with vocal practices. We wanted to take a shower. I headed towards my bag. I saw
(y/n) laying down.
"(y/n) move I need my bag."
She didn't move. I walked closer and noticed she was sleeping. 5 points for her creativity. She used my bag as a pillow. The other members laughed and chuckled looking at it. I told them to go first. I waited for 5 minutes. I looked at her sleeping face and she looked so cute. She reminded me of a tiger sleeping. When they sleep they look cute but when they wake only heaven knows what they'll do. She opened her eyes. I realised I was staring at her without waking her up. She looked at me curiously. I panicked not moving what to do.
"H h hey! Your awake.... A a anyway we were headed for the showers and I need my bag."
God dammit why am I so flustered. I even stuttered. Did she notice I was staring at her.
"Oh sorry. It was so soft I just had to use it as a pillow. Hehe. Here." "Thanks. See you later."
I grabbed the bag quickly and bowed before walking out. I didn't wanna seem rude and I just wanted to apologise for staring at her but I think she didn't notice.

Reader's pov

Why is he being? What does it mean? I saw my secretary passing through the hallway. I went to her to ask about my next work.
"Hi. Can u know about the meeting later with BTS and the producer." "Oh. Well it's for their upcoming fan meeting in Gangnam. The producer wants you and BTS to be in the meeting room at 3.00p.m."
"okay. I just have one more thing to ask. Why do people bow to each other?"
"There's many reasons. It could be to express gratitude, greeting, saying goodbye or apologising. Its also a sign of respect. Usually in working ethics the ones with lower ranking how to bow to the seniors."
I thanked her for her explanation. I went to look for BTS.


I need suggestions from you guys about the story. Like what kind of situation would you like to be in with the bangtan boys. Bye 👋 👋 👋 👋.

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