Chapter Nine

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"Yes I am okay just have sensitivity to the sun. Are there any way I can block my eyes to get better vision?" Maria asked. "Yeah we can stop by the sunglass hut and get you a pair. Maria, we have to go to Eric's house. Speak to his family." Star said. "Why do we have to go to his house didn't we kill him?" Maria asked. Star didn't say anything. Why didn't mom want to talk to maria? Is she hiding something?

"Star? Star? Star?!" Maria yelled as she waved her hands in star's face. "Huh? Oh yes I think those shade would look good on you maria can you see through them?" star asked. "Yes" maria said. After paying for the shades they girls traveled to sapphire's high school.

Sapphire's friends stood by her locker with I miss you notes and a missing person report. "Hello. So who is sapphire mercury?" star asked. A girl with cute short black curls and tan skin looked at maria and star. Tears filled her eyes at the question. Her preppy girl outfit and pumps went well with her hoop earrings. "She is my friend. She went missing months ago about five weeks after her mom died. She even tried to kill herself in the same hospital where her dead mom was." She said.

"We're sorry for your lost. Is there anybody she was close to? Like a friend or friends' family perhaps." Star questioned. "Yeah she hung around Eric and his family a lot. But Eric is missing too." The girl begun crying profusely. Sapphire's other friends saw her cry and she slid to the floor. "What is the matter with her?" Maria asked. Star shrugged her shoulders as she tried to comfort the girl.

"Maria go to the school office pretend you are a student like sapphire was. Try to get Eric's address and phone number to his family." Star said. Maria walked to a student with hos notebooks scattered on the floor. His black glasses and shaggy hair caught maria's attention. "Hello. My name is maria." Maria said.

He looked up to her from the floor as he was picking up his books. "My name is john. John Barson. Why are you talking to me." He asked. "Why would I not talk to you?" Maria asked. "Because I'm a nerd and made fun of because of my intelligence." He said. "Well I see intelligence as a form of beauty. It gives the world an opportunity to evolve." Maria said.

He blushed at her words. Closing his locker and looking around he adjusted everything. "What can I help you with?" John asked. "Can you take me to the office. I need to register for classes." Maria said. "Uh. Sure yeah I will. Come on follow me." He said. We walked toward the main corridor and arrived to a door. The words on the door said main office. Walking inside john and the receptionist spoke.

A plump man with a tucked in dress shirt and black slacks walked into the office. Maria sat down on the chair and the man approached her. "Hello miss. I see you're a new student. Let's step into my office and we can register your papers." He said. Once in his office maria compelled him to check on an art class. She looked into the files quickly. Unable to see his file in the first cabinet she found his file in the second cabinet. Pulling out the extremely thick file.

She opened it and saw that his last name isn't firesight. It is just Eric jones. Grabbing the file maria transported through a portal close to star.

She walked to star and showed her the file. "Sister though he is a firesight witch. He doesn't have the last name of the coven. We have all his information so let's go find out where to find them." Maria said. "Okay maria what is the address?" Star sked. Maria opened the thick file and looked found his address in the middle of the file. "We're heading to 2724 Angel st." Maria said.

The girls started walking out of the school. "Hey shouldn't you two be in class?" said the principal. Star and maria turned around and looked at him. Within two seconds the girls had begun to run toward the double doors. "Hey wait!" he yelled chasing behind them. Maria ran vamp speed and star ran on all fours. She turned to her wolf form and caught up with maria.

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