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I stayed right there wondering why they were walking away from it. As everybody disappeared deeper into the woods. My paws went to work. My watch opened and the lights came out. Each tiny light got together and helped me. After what seemed like forever all the rocks were gone. The cave was dark cobwebs were all over. The lights a way for me to see as i walked in.

The cave seemed so creepy. Energy was coming from deep in the cave. It was so powerful i felt it get stronger and stronger as i got more deep. Crack! I looked down and saw a wolf skeleton on the floor. "Omg! This is sataria died at. This must be the wolf of hell or at least what's left of him." "So, princess you think it looks bad that my body has died off?" "Who's there?" "Shh it is the red wolf of hell. Kiss my forehead so i shall revive." "Um eww. But you are super dead you can't just revive that fast." "Kiss my forehead and see for yourself." I licked it and nothing happened. "See i told you." A green glow surrounded his bones. I watched as blood and flesh and bone and fur surrounded his skeleton.

"I told you i would revive." He was so beautiful His fur was pure red. I stared and noticed his cross was upside down. "You are such a weird looking wolf. But it's ok that you look cute as well." "Shut up. I am a pixie not a wolf i just don't know how to turn back to my actual self." He walked to me and kissed my forehead. I changed back to my normal self and transformed into a pixie.

"Nice you're a pixie. You look like my dead love sataria. Please follow me to her body." "Ok." We walked to her body. It was just a skeleton wearing a ring and holding a pouch in its hand. "I miss my long lost love. I would go to devil and to god to bring her back." "I am so sorry for your lost." I didn't have the strength to tell him that his love was alive and with us. "It is ok young princess for i have found another way to communicate with my love. Can you grant me one wish princess?" "Yeah sure name it."

"Bury my love in a casket of ice and then turn it into a diamond." "Okay how do i do that?" "Figure out a way." Fire surrounded him and he disappeared. I grabbed the spirit back and put it on the floor next to me and i created a heart with my powers and threw it to her skeleton. It turned to water and then ice. I watched it become a diamond. My heart came back.

I closed my hands around it. Letting it disappear into my skin. Woah that was his wish and now its granted. I grabbed the bag and ran out the cave. The lights went back into my watch as i flew. Looking for my sister's mom and sataria. They were passing a creek i quickly got in front of them and showed the bag.

"How did you find my bag?" "I was digging and found your cave and your consort he is alive and he misses you." "He is alive?! Where is my love?" "He disappeared in fire i don't know where he went." "I do thank you sapphire. Now it is time for my power to choose who is my rightful heir." "Let's go to the temple of the lords." "Good idea." "What is the temple of the lords?"

"It is one of the most sacred and ancient temples. People use it to find heir's as well as turn princes and princesses into king's and queen's." "That sounds so cool." Mom and sataria made a portal me and my sisters had to walk in first. Then they came in. "Ok princesses stand within the wolf vampire pixie moon." The what?" I looked up and the moon had three colors. In the middle of the moon it was pink on the left it was blue on the right it was red. We stood in position and looked at sataria. She opened the bag and boom out went her powers. The colors were beautiful and pure.

They danced in the air as if it was a party with strobe lights. Sataria smiled and looked at us. "Lord that created this temple choose my heir and give them all my powers so my soul may rest knowing i finally fulfilled my quest." The temple turned purple as mom and sataria disappeared the powers were deciding who would be the rightful heir. we all stood with excitement in our eyes. The powers flew straight to me and attacked me. I fell back as her powers went inside of me. I began floating and stared at my sisters.

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