"Rose Marie Bennett! Please tell me you got some last night!"

I threw my head back and belted out a laugh as my entire face heated. Right to the point, as usual! "Maybe," I trailed my answer to keep her in suspense. "Would you believe me if I told you that I told him I'd handle it myself? That if he didn't help, he needed to get out?"

"You dirty bitch! You did not!" The look of amusement lit up her eyes. "You did thank him for saving your ass, right? Like, the right kind of thanking?" She smiled as she took another sip of her coffee.

"Oh I thanked him, but not before he got me first." I giggled as she almost spewed her mouthful. Blocking her playful punch I rolled to the other side of the couch.

"Good God, Remi! It's about time you got some! Talk about an upgrade, holy shit!"

"Oh yeah, I don't know how long this will last, but I'll have fun while it does."

"What do you mean by that? You don't think he is interested in you?" Shay had stopped smiling and got serious.

"Think about it, he paid for dinner with a fucking black card. The ones that feel like they are made of metal. He is out of my league. I'm sure he will find some rich bitch who will keep his attention better than me. I'm just a waitress."

Shay scoffed at me as she set her coffee down and turned her body towards mine. I braced myself for the sisterly tough love she had in store for me. "Have you met you? Some rich bitch isn't going to give him down and dirty like a sexy, independent woman who works her ass off for what she has. This dude would be crazy not to at least try to keep your attention." 

Rolling my eyes, she reached out and smacked my cheek. Light enough that I knew it was playful but still left my cheek prickling. "Yeah, we'll see."

"Who knew all I had to do was smack some sense into you! So when do you see him again?" 

"Well he wanted to take me to dinner tonight, but that's a no go. You said Kenzi was in town and planning a girls' night?"

"Well shit, if it weren't girls night, I'd say go for it! Soo?"

"Tomorrow night. Dinner."

"Are you freaking kidding me?" She rolled her eyes and swigged the last of her coffee. I knew what she was thinking, but I wasn't used to someone pining for my attention. Then again, I only really had Ben co compare him to.

We laughed and wrapped up our conversation. Cleaning up my cup, I headed into my bathroom to finally take care of my hair. "Give me about 10 minutes and I'll be ready to go. Where did you want to go today?" I called out to her.

"I dunno. I'm hungry so I was thinking about the mall. I have my cousin's wedding in two weeks so I need to pick up my dress, too." She had moved into my room and sat on the bench at the end of my bed.

"Okay, we can do that. Do you want to go to one of the restaurants or eat in the food court?" I combed through my hair, knotted and still wet. 

"Food court. I want a burger and you probably want that sushi shit." I could hear the sneer on her face as she mentioned sushi.

She was right. I could make burgers or get a burger any day of the week, but sushi wasn't something I indulged in too often.

When my hair had been tamed, I twirled it back up into a bun on top of my head. It may have seemed pointless to take it down just to put it back up, but at least now it wasn't knotted and a complete mess.

I lined my lids with kohl and headed out with Shay. While I drove she rambled on about the newest dispute with her sisters. Taking short distracted breaks to sing along to songs that blared through the speakers of my car.

Seeing Red: Book 1 Of The Moretti Series ✔Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin