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Today is too boring in the village, I've defeated my enemies in the training temple for like I don't know 10 or 20 times already. They're too weak for me, I want a strong opponent, one who deserves my true power.

I leap through tree branches to find any outsiders to take down. A sudden gush of wind was felt below, I went down and ready my blade. The figure hid in the bushes, "show yourself!" I commanded. Then the bush rustled, I was about to throw my blade.

Harith came out with his hands in the air "I-I came in peace!" he cried, I sighed "Harith, for the love of blades and Smokbombs I almost killed you" I scolded him. His ears went down "s-sorry, Hanabi" he pouted.

I sighed then smile "It's ok, Harith. But next time don't use your skill like that, this forest is filled with high alert ninjas" I said while patting his head. His eyes sparkled "woooaahh.... That's so cool!" his tail shaked excitedly.

I chuckled "alright you better go back at the celestial palace now, Alucard might ground you again". He nodded then ran back from where he came from "Bye Hanabiiii!" he yelled while running. I waved bye at him.

I was about to return to the village but someone touched my shoulder, I looked behind but no one was there. I started to feel suspicious, I didn't move a muscle "reveal yourself!" I yelled. My breathing quickens, I pulled out my second skill, ready to attack.

Then the shadow stepped out from the bushes, showing me a figure with a katana on his back. His presence suddenly made my whole body numb, I dropped my blade and stare him. He smiles under his dark mask and opens his arms to hug me, I ran to his embrace and hugged him tight.

"I've missed you, Hayabusa" I said, he chuckled "Well, I'm trying hard to be the best ninja of our village" he said with pure pride. I scoffed "being the best in what? Hiding from your enemy?" I laughed, He groaned "I will be the Best, Hanabi. In fact I'll be better than YOU!" he pointed at me. "tch! We'll see about that" I teased, I've been a better ninja than him. 

"oh! by the way, meet Kagura" he said while letting some move out of the bushes, it was a little girl holding an umbrella. "n-nice to meet, I'm Kagura, Hayabusa's friend" she introduced herself shyly. I nodded "I'm Hanabi, I'm... also Hayabusa's friend." I chuckled nervously. 

her eyes sparkled with excitement "you're THE Hanabi?! oh my god you're amazing! I've heard so much about you!" she fangirled, wow I've never had a fangirl before. Hayabusa scoffed "I'm still better than her" I shotted that weebo ninja a death glare "we'll see about that, wanna-be Naruto" I teased.

*few matches later*


Dammit, Hanabi is still stronger than me, maybe she really does have a chance to be The Best. I sighed in defeat "alright you won, but it doesn't mean I will give up". Hanabi scoffed "We'll see about that. Wanna-be Naruto" she teased, Kagura chuckled. I blushed from embarrassment, "Hanabi can you teach me how to be stronger?" Begged Kagura.

Hanabi blushed "w-well, I'm not really good at teaching or even giving advices" she chuckled nervously. "well then I'll be the one teaching you" I proudly said to Kagura. Kagura's face went blank, "no thanks Hayabusa, I already seen you clash. But Hanabi is stronger than you, I wanna see HER in action" she chimed while pointing at Hanabi. My whole world shatters before my very eyes.

I can hear Hanabi laughing in her head. I shotted her a death glare. "we'll see who's the best, besides that's-" Hanabi cuts me off "OUR mission, don't forget I'm a ninja too Hayabusa" she said firmly. Dang his fierce, but I only like nice ones. Like Kagura, someday I'll have her heart.


Hayabusa didn't change at all. He's still a bit of a show-off as always. It's been a while since he came here in the village. He's taller than me now. I used to pat his head because of how short he used to be. And now look at him, looking down at me like I'm some pest or dog and somehow smirking like he's up to something. "oh by the way Senpai, what's are next stop?" Kagura asked while swaying her umbrella to the rhythm of her hips.

Hayabusa blushed and chuckled "woah there Kagura, let's just stop by swan lake to relax a bit.", seeing this much show of affection made my insides felt tingly, in a bad way actually. Kagura giggled while holding Hayabusa's hand, blush spread across Hayabusa's face. causing me to clench my fists. "well... we better get going then. it was awesome seeing you again, pal" said Hayabusa as both of them disappear in the forest. him calling me pal made my heart ache. 

and without hesitation.... I followed them.


It was great meeting Hayabusa's childhood friend. she seemed very nice, I wish I was her childhood friend. "are you ok Kagura? you're zooming out again" asked Hayabusa while clinging on my arm. I looked into his devastatingly beautiful red eyes, it's like a whirl pool of blood sucking me in "I'm fine" I gave him a reassuring smile. He smiled back at me, which made my heart flutter.

while walking along the dusty path, bushes became to rustle. Hayabusa and I stopped and looked around to see if anyone is behind us. 


I accidentally stepped on a rustle bush (which rustles when you touch it). I jumped on to a tree branch before Kagura sees me. Kagura and Hayabusa stopped and looked under the rustle bush, when they saw nothing they just continued to go to swan lake, where the Princess of the Swans live nearby the lake. 

as they enter the swan lake they greeted princess Odette first. Followed by the love of her life, Lancelot. As they sat on the edge of the lake I hid near the willow tree. they were talking about something. something I can't make out.


It was nice for Kagura and Hayabusa to hang out with us again. Kagura is Odette's Best Friend in all. they have so many things in common. After talking about our last match Odette suddenly said "Kagura, Hayabusa. I have something to tell you.." she lowered her voice. Kagura and Hayabusa went near Odette to hear her.

Odette inhale and said "I felt danger coming near your village. and whatever it is, it can destroy your elder's blade and can destroy... you. And no matter what you do don't fight back. It's sword thirsts for the blood of us mortals. so I'm telling you this. . . stay safe out there ok?" her voice was as quiet as a flower being blown by the cool breeze. Kagura felt fear, while Hayabusa felt opportunity. "don't worry princess, we'll be fine" said Hayabusa seriously. a loud thud was heard from the willow tree, so I went there to investigate it, nothing. huh, I guess it was just my imagination.


My body tenses up when I heard our elder's blade. but that's my blade now, and who IS this thing Odette was talking about? "its's sword thirsts for blood" that's the part where my body flinched and starting to have nostalgia. swords... blood... it...

my body fell down the branch of the willow tree, but then I snapped out it and ran away before Lancelot sees me. I ran back to my village, I cried "no, not my village... not my...." every inch of the village was destroyed, blood spilled everywhere, spare body parts are scattered "my.... h-home..." my mind can't think straight. I kneeled down to the ground, clenching on the dirt. tears start to fall down my cheek.

not any longer Hayabusa and Kagura came. Kagura gasped while running up to me "Hanabi are you ok?" she asked with worry in her tone. "it's gone... my home... my friends... my family... a-all gone.." I deadpanned followed by a sniffle. Hayabusa's eyes soften " don't worry Hana...we'll fix this..." he reassured. I sharply inhaled "so what do you say..." said Kagura. I looked up at them in confusion.

then Hayabusa said" wanna help us catch IT?". I inhaled and looked at my village one last time, a tear fallen down my cheek. a smile appeared on my face "I will... for the sake of my people"

To Be Continued...

A Ninja's Mission //REWRITTEN//حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن