closet madness

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Once we get to school, Bellamy stops the car. He gives me the keys and I step out, watching everyone stare and fantasise at my car. Then, once again, I am reminded how dumb I look in my robe. I see Raven giving me a resting bitch face. My thoughts are interrupted by my brother, Wells.

"Clarke, where the fuck did you get the money to afford this car?" he asks in shock.

"Saving up" I say with a shrug. If I said 'the birthday fairy gave it to me', I would sound insane, so instead, I covered it up.

"I should start saving" mumbled Wells. Raven walks over to me and begins to laugh at me.

"Clarkey, where are your clothes? Don't tell me. Gone? Like Daddy?" she says. I feel tears pricking at my eyes when I hear a deep voice speak up.

"That was really low Reyes, even for you," says Bellamy as he takes my hand an guides me to the janitors closet. 

"Are you okay, Princess?" asks Bellamy. He had lost his mother a few years back, so he, out of all people, understood my pain. I nod silently.

"Don't let her get to you, remember, this is your sweet sixteenth! You even have magical candles, so Reyes can beat it" he says and I laugh. I pull him into an embrace which feels like forever until the bell rings and we pull apart.

"Do you want me to stay with you?" he asks.

"No, it's fine. Don't want you missing out on class. I'll be fine, Bellamy" I say as we exit the closet. He gives me a genuine smile, not a smirk, and walks off to class.

I go back into the closet and take out my candles. Candle number two, to be exact.

I light it and whisper 

"When I'm sixteen, I'll have the cutest clothes in school". I blow the candle and wait a few minutes. Nothing. I try again and again until I hear the door open.

"You should be in class young lady," says Mr Pike, my science teacher.

"These are confiscated, you should know not to bring flammable items onto school ground," he says and walks off. Great.

 I walk slowly back to class, and when the bell rings, I see Echo, standing near the office, waving me over. I get into the room as she locks the door.

"Echo? What are you doing here?" I ask.

"I am here to give you these!" she says, handing me the box of candles.

"Oh my gosh! Thank you so much Echo! But why didn't the candle work?" I ask. We sit down on the chair as she explains how the magic has rules.

"What rules?" I ask concerned.

"Every wish becomes permanent at midnight, and the candles can only be used every hour" she says.

"But I made the Lexa wish and then a few minutes later I got the car. It doesn't make sense" I tell her.

"You blew the Lexa candle at approximately 7:58 am. You then blew the car candle at 8:01 am. They were only a few minutes apart, but they were in different hours." she explains.

"Oh, that makes sense. Anything else I should know about?" I ask her.

"The candles work, but sometimes not in the way you want them to. Be careful what you wish for" she says as I walk out of the office. I check the time.

10:15 am. Time to make another wish!

I walk back to the janitors closet and make wish number two. I open my eyes and the janitors closet has become a shopping centre closet! I see Echo standing there.

sixteen wishes - a bellarke storyWhere stories live. Discover now