"Enjoy the food guys!" Brad grinned at us.

"Thanks." I smiled at him and stared at the huge deli sandwich and taquito in front of me and my mouth instantly waters. "Looks delicious."

"They are." James chuckled and grabbed his taquito. "They're the best in town."

I grabbed my own taquito and took a bite and it's instantly heaven. James wasn't kidding. This is the best taquito I have ever tasted in my whole life. "This is more than delicious." I said in my half stuffed mouth.

"Of course. This is one reason I stick around here."

"So," I swallowed and took a drink of the delicious smoothie before I continued. "You work here too?"

"Yep. Every Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday. In case you want to find me on those days." He gave me his confident grin and I rolled my eyes.

"Why do you have two jobs anyway? You own a Ferrari! A freaking Ferrari! Where is your bike anyway? I thought it's like your baby that you can't live without." I asked.

"I have two jobs because I'm saving up for college because I'm sure as hell that I don't want to be dependent on my mom forever let alone her husband. I don't own that Ferrari. That Ferrari belongs to my stepfather. And my bike is at home since you don't seem to enjoy riding it. And I may love my bike but it's not the baby I can't live without." He stares intently at me making me think there is more to what he said.

I cleared my throat again and took another bite of my food. Well, I guess I should be flattered that at least for once he did think for my sake and left the scary motorbike. But then he also dragged me here without my approval. Although I'm starting to enjoy myself with the delicious food and being at the beach. But he also made me skip class. Although he's being all nice to me.

"What are you arguing with your self about?" He suddenly said, an amused smile playing on his lips.

I frowned at him. "What do you mean? I'm not arguing with myself. That's stupid."

He laughed, obviously not believing me. "Yes, you are. You always do that. I know when you are having an internal battle with your self because you furrow your eyebrows, then the next second you relax them, then furrow them again, sometimes even raise an eyebrow then relax them again. This time I can even guess what it is that you're arguing with yourself."

I automatically raised an eyebrow. "Oh, really?" I challenged him.

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