Chapter 11

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~Hisato's P.o.v~

"So Hisato-Niichan, how does it taste?" I pretend to go deep in thought, I should answer honestly.

"Anything you make is satisfying dear Hikaru." She pouts and sits in front of me.

"You always say that, are you sure I'm not lacking anything?" A frown sketches itself on my face.

"Dad and I are different from others, we grade depending on our own opinions. Your food is always perfect to me." Hikaru twirls her short bob cut of black hair, her blue orbs look at nervously.

"Will papa ever wake up?" My left hand ruffles her tidy black hair.

"As long as we believe in him, he will awake. If I had a choice, I rather be in that bed." She whacks my shoulder.

"No! Don't say that, if you did then I wouldn't get to know you!" That's right, we got into the accident when she was two years old and she barely remembers our father.

"I'm going to go out for a bit, I'll be back later tonight okay?" She nods and I go out. Thoughts of my first life run through my mind like a river.

~Flashback: First Life - Haru~

"Ne, eldest brother?" My golden eyes look down at the young girl besides me, her own golden eyes shine brilliantly. Her long silky smooth black hair shine in the sunlight, her skin is as fair as snow. She holds on to my hand so tight, afraid I might disappear.

"Yes Hitomi?" My golden eyes turn to look at her before looking back up at the sunny sky.

"Do you think the travelling doctor can heal you?" I frown, I'm suppose to make her happy. Though I can't lie to her, I truly believe that I won't live. No matter how heart wrenching it is to say, she will always deserve to know the truth.

"I don't, though I want to spend every single moment with you my little sister. Every lifetime, every single moment of my lives I will always have time for you. My Hitomi." She smiles at me happily yet sad at me already accepting death.

"Then it's the same with me Haru! Every moment of my lives I will always spend thinking about you!" She cheers, making me smile.

"Could you dance for me? I'll sing a song for you." Hitomi begins to dance and I let the words fall out.

"Dancing beautifully,
So elegant,
So graceful,
Just like a shining star,
I'll forever be with you,
Like how you promised,
To be with me,
If you miss when I'm gone,
Just sing this song while looking up,
Cause no matter where you are,
Where you go,
I'll be right there,
Every year..."

~Flashback Ends: Current Life - Hisato~

"Hisato-San? Are you alright?" Tsukasa, when did he appear?

"Yes, I'm alright. Just going down memory lane, is something wrong?" I look around and notice I'm sitting on a park bench, my mind must have went on autopilot.

"Would you like to eat something?" Nodding my head, he hands me a container. I open it up to be greeted with what seems to be prawn fried rice. He hands me chopsticks and I begin to take a bit. 

"The eggs in this dish tastes fluffy and it melts in your mouth, your cabbage has a nice crunch to it and it's slightly crispy, just the right amount of soy sauce, the other vegetables are soft which is delightful. Your rice is cooked perfectly well and your prawns soaked up all the juices of the meal, it is also very tender. All in all, it's a good dish. . ." I pause for a moment before closing the container up. "I'm afraid to say that you're still lacking."

"What is it lacking? Please tell me!" I hand him the container and stand up. It's time for me to go back home, Hikaru is waiting.

"That is for me to know and for you to find out." 

Eishi, the answer has always been in front of you.

You're Lacking (Tsukasa Eishi x Male Oc )Where stories live. Discover now