Fourteen - Five For The Road

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Their laughter reverberated around them as they remained cuddled into each other. Their wine bottle was almost empty and they both had decided that as soon as this one was done, they would finally head off for the evening. The restaurant wasn't exactly empty anyway, so it wasn't as if they were holding up the staff and stopping them from going home. Besides, they were having a great time reminiscing and laughing together.

"You never have to worry, because you're all mine and I'm never letting you go." Peter told her. She nodded, taking a sip of her wine.

"Damn right; I'm never letting you go either," she leaned up and kissed his cheek; "You really do know how to make a girl feel special, you know."

"Hey, I'm just following the advice of my parents and grandparents..." he paused to down the rest of his wine, "When I first told them we were getting married, they gave me all this advice about marriage and I listened; my grandparents were married for seventy-three years, my parents have been married for fifty-four; I'm just doing everything that's in my heart and what they advised me to do."

"How long do you plan on staying married to me?" She teased, stroking her thumb over his chin.

"Until death do us part, my love." He replied. She let out a laugh as she leaned against him.

"Glad we're on the same page," she let out a cliché, loved up sigh; "Fourteen years down, and we've had some awesome adventures, haven't we?"

"We have...especially with the kids; our family adventures are the best." Peter remarked. Mariska nodded in agreement as she downed the rest of her wine. She grabbed the bottle and poured them some more, filling their glasses with the last bit of wine in the bottle.

"Family is everything, keeps us grounded and our kids, man...they're everything," she sighed, looking up at him; "Our trip a couple weeks ago; everything."

"Oh yes it was, especially all being together on my birthday," he leaned over and kissed her forehead as he stroked her arm;

"Just the five of us on the road."


August 2018.

The open road, the wind in their hair, nature and glittery seas and tall trees; the fab five that made up the Hargitay-Hermann family was having the time of their lives.

They were in California for Hilary Swank's wedding. Hilary was longtime family friend; Mariska had known her since her days on ER so long ago, Peter met her shortly after he and Mariska became friends, and the kids had known her from when they were babies; she was Amaya's godmother. While they were in town for the wedding, Hilary suggested the family rent an RV and just travel up and down the Northern California coast, to explore and experience nature.

So, they did just that and were enjoying themselves. Mariska and Peter had expected the kids to start complaining after a couple days, but it had been five and there were no complaints. They were just enjoying themselves, climbing trees and running around; doing what kids do.

And Peter and Mariska; they were enjoying themselves too, laughing and kissing under the trees, watching the stars together at night after the kids were asleep - or in the case for one night, making love on a blanket under the stars while the kids slept inside the RV.

Things were just perfect.

It was quiet at the moment. They were driving to their next stop a couple hours away; the kids were napping as they sprawled out across their beds on the vehicle. The music was on low; Peter was driving, and Mariska was watching out the window.

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