Five - Marry Me?

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"I still get emotional when I think about that night on Jayne's birthday; you really showed your vulnerable side that I hadn't seen."

Mariska nodded, delicately wiping a tear away with her finger and blinking a couple times. She had found herself tearing up as she and Peter reminisced about the night they remembered Jayne together - a thing that had eventually become a little tradition of theirs and something they now included the kids in.

"You're the first person that I've ever felt comfortable enough to be vulnerable with," she paused to take a sip of her wine; "I'm glad that became our tradition though. I'm glad you love that side of me; I can freely express my passions and show how vulnerable I can be without fear of being judged or something."

"Someone judged you for being emotional?" Peter asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Well, when you're known as the girl who always smiles and is super cheery, people make comments when you're having an off day and feeling sad," Mariska shrugged, still fiddling with Peter's fingers as she loosely held his hand; "At least you and the kids and my friends seem to remember that I am human."

Peter chuckled, lifting her hand and kissing her knuckles yet again. She gave him a soft smile as she gazed into her eyes. One look into the swirls of green, and she felt safe and grounded again. She saw everything they'd done and everything that was yet to come in those eyes, and she loved it. Peter was everything to her - her biggest fan, her love, her support; everything.

"You know what else I remember?" his voice broke into her thoughts, causing her to tilt her head in curiosity, "I remember when I proposed, and how you almost cried."

"On our two year anniversary, I remember - I did cry; that was one of the best days of my entire life." Mariska replied, smiling at him as he gave her an equally loving smile.


May 2004.


Peter looked up, and instantly started smiling as he saw Mariska rushing towards him. They'd both been busy and hadn't seen each other for about three weeks; she'd had a pretty intense filming schedule as she wrapped for season five of Law and Order: Special Victims Unit and he'd been working on his own things since he hadn't had anymore guest spots on the show for this season. Today, since they both had the day off, Peter suggested they meet for lunch - a couple blocks over from her apartment building - then they would go from there.

He smiled when he saw her. She had on a pair of deep blue jeans and some sneakers, as well as a pink t-shirt under a black hooded cardigan that she left open. Her shoulder length chestnut locks were shining in the spring sunlight, with little curly strands brushing against her shimmering brown eyes.

He gave out a cliché in love sigh; she looked so fucking beautiful.

"Hey you." he opened his arms as she reached him, and she crashed into his arms, gripping onto the black sweatshirt he was wearing over the grey t-shirt. He teamed the shirt with a pair of jeans and sneakers as well, as they were having such a casual day.

He wrapped his arms around her, squeezing her tightly. He dipped his head down enough to kiss the crown of her head as he held her close to him, loving how she seemed to mold into his shape whenever they were hugging. They were two halves that made a perfect whole, and it had been this way for two years - today, actually.

Peter & Mariska - Fourteen [A Short Story]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu