Three - First Date

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Peter and Mariska were chuckling together as they reminisced about the past, pointing out significant moments in their relationship that meant so much to them. They were enjoying themselves so much that they barely even noticed when the waiter returned with their meals; they simply glanced at him and gave a polite 'thank you' before returning their gaze back on one another. This was something that always happened; they would lose themselves in each other's eyes, losing themselves in swirls of color, seeing their past, present, and future all present in each other's eyes.

Mariska simply eyed her husband. His green eyes were sparkling behind the back rimmed glasses, his olive skin was free bar a few lines here and there that only came with age. The salt and pepper mix hair and beard only made him look even more attractive. There was a happy smile on his face, a glow around him that was always present when they were together. Her gaze trailed down to his arms and even to his hands, and she recalled every single moment - even as recent as a short while ago just before they left their home - that those strong arms were shielding her from harm, or those strong, large hands holding onto her, with a touch so gentle and light, like the steps of a butterfly. She thought about the times she'd watch those long legs as he would make his way over; two or three strides depending on where they were, and he would be standing before her and she would be wrapped in his arms. She thought about how he towered over her, how she had to lean up on her toes to hug him properly or kiss him, and how that made her feel so incredibly safe.

Peter watched his wife. The light of the restaurant bounced off her eyes and tanned skin, causing her to look like a glowing, sparkly eyed goddess. Well, she was indeed his glowing, Hungarian goddess; something he called her often, though she'd roll her eyes at him and give him that adorable smirk. She was aging with grace, barely a line in sight despite being a couple years older than him, and her brunette locks continue to flow over her shoulders and to the top part of her back. He watched her intently, remembering each time - again, as recent as a short while ago before they left their home - that those tiny arms wrapped around his mid section or around his neck, or the way her tiny hands fit perfectly with his and their fingers linked together. He smiled to himself as he thought about how her body had only filled out in the best way with age and how she only continued to grow stronger, yet was still so delicate and small. Her long, toned legs would wrap around his waist whenever he picked her up in his arms, or at other times, he'd watch her hold onto his shoulders and stand on her tip toes just to kiss him or hug him. Whenever he held her, he felt like everything was okay. When she smiled at him, his heart soared. She radiated joy and was this abundance of life; she made everything better.

And together they were this perfect balance; two halves that created the most perfect, beautiful, loving whole.

"You're staring."

They both paused for a second then dissolved into laughter when they realized they'd said the words at the same time. Mariska delicately wiped her eye with her finger as little tears welled in her eyes from laughing so hard, while Peter was simply shaking his head in despair while still laughing. Another example of how close they were - they were always saying things at the same time, as if they always knew what one another was thinking.

"I really can't help but stare, honey," Peter took a sip of his wine, his shoulders still shaking slightly as he chuckled; "You're beautiful, as if you didn't already know."

"You're not too bad to look at either." She winked, earning yet another laugh from him as he tucked into his meal.

For a few moments, the only sounds to be heard were the clinks of silverware against the plates and the dull hum of chatter surrounding them as other patrons chatted over their own meals. The couple stole glances at one another, smiling as usual, their eyes sparkling even more as they locked together.

Peter & Mariska - Fourteen [A Short Story]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora