Chapter 14 ~ The Mad Hacker

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"I do so apologize, friends," said The Dreamfinder as he lifted his goggles off his face. "I didn't mean to cause alarm. Unfortunately, they don't seem to provide Dragon Parking here."

The Dreamfinder certainly knew how to make an entrance, that was for sure. Mia would have been embarrassed by the ostentatious manner in which they'd arrived, but her father was such a highly respected individual that no one seemed to mind too terribly. Blair leapt nimbly down onto the cobblestone, then lifted Mia off Figment's back with surprising ease and set her on her feet. With a swirl of lavender mist, Figment returned to his default form, now hovering at Mia's shoulder.

"That was awesome!" said Mia. "I'll never drive a car again if I can ride a dragon!"

"Whoo!" said Figment, giving his head a little shake. "As fun as that is, it makes my head a bit swimmy."

"That'll pass, Figment," said Blair. "Remember, it takes a lot of imagination power to make that transformation, let alone sustain it. And it's been a while."

Mia glanced up and down the strip mall, gazing in wonder at all the shops. "So, where's the best place to go for women's apparel? Oh, and makeup. I don't usually wear much, but I'd like to at least cover up my bruise," she said, pointing to the blemish on her cheek left by Anastasia's studded glove. "Maybe that should be first."

It was in this moment Blair realized that he didn't entirely have an answer for her. Women's apparel? Makeup? Did he even know where to get things like that? Where did Beverly do her shopping way back when? He hadn't the foggiest.

"Uh... Well-"

"Oh! What's that smell?" Miandra asked before he could respond. "Something smells really sweet!"

Blair knew that smell and he was grateful for the distraction. "Ah! You have a nose for sweets! I suppose you take after your father there," he said with a wink. "That would be the Main Street Confectionary. We could stop there first thing, if you'd like."

Figment flew on ahead of them, his lightheadedness apparently having passed at the mention of sweets. "Oooh! That's where they make those yummy Fudgy Stars with all the different fillings inside!"

"Fudgy Stars?" Mia asked, her eyes lighting up. She grabbed Blair's hand and pulled him down the street, chasing after Figment in the direction of the confectionary.

The proprietor of the confectionary, a Mr. Schweits, originally of Rosebriar, was remarkably skinny for someone who worked with sweets day in and day out. He wore a candy-striped suit, and for all his thinness, was as jolly a man as Saint Nick himself. Upon learning that Mia was the Dreamfinder's long-lost daughter, he happily offered up free samples. Soon, Mia, her father, and Figment were strolling down the cobblestone street, each with their own little bag of goodies. Figment carried a bag of his beloved Fudgy Stars.

"Each star's a different flavor! Boy, oh boy!"

Mia was a little disappointed that the confectionary didn't carry candy apples, but she soon learned this was out of respect for Princess Snow, who was horribly afraid of apples ever since the incident, as Mr. Schweits referred to it. Mia supposed she couldn't blame him. It made sense that Snow White might get a little triggered at the sight of an apple, candy or otherwise. She settled instead for a gourmet cupcake with orange and green icing, fashioned to look like a pumpkin.

"Mmm! Maybe it's all just psychological, but I swear Earth sweets don't taste nearly this good," said Mia, taking another bite of cupcake. "This is almost sinful!"

Blair was content with a small box of honey-roasted biscuits with a powdered sugar topping. "It has been quite some time since I've indulged in any Earth confections. I do recall Hershey's chocolate being rather good."

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