Chapter 4

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"Pardon?" I asked.

"Do you trust that I am a good person?"

"Well it all depends on your personality and how you treat other people. It seems that you didn't want to harm me and only want to provide me with the things I needed last night. If you weren't a good person, you would have killed me by now. You wouldn't have hesitated to take the advantage that I was lost and scared when we met last night. Yes, I do trust that you're a good person."

"Thanks. That's all. Bye, Alex."

"Bye, Eddie."

"I hope to see you sometime," Eddie said.


I walked into the building and Eddie walked out of my field of vision. I sat down on the floor and opened the piece of paper he had given me. It was his contact info and the address of his apartment and where his room was. I wrote it all down in my phone and sat there for the rest of my morning. I had nothing to do until wait for lunch. 

A month had passed by since I last saw Eddie. I thought he would try to come around and try to see if I was doing alright, but it seemed that never happened. Although I did see him walk by the restaurant I was heading to a couple weeks ago. He didn't seem to notice I was there. I guess he was talking to Venom about something. I didn't mind though, since it seemed like he had a lot on his mind and stuff. 

I was walking back to the building when I took another wrong turn and ended up in a part of the city my mother and father always avoided. And for good reason too. It was known as the shady part of the city. Seems like I ended up in the wrong place. I pulled out my phone and tried to call Eddie, but he didn't pick up. I wasn't in a good place and I was tempted to call the police to help me. But as I was trying to get out of there, a gang had surrounded me.

"Well what do we have here?" one asked.

"Seems like a little girl has lost her way," a second said.

"Lost your way, girly?" a third asked me.

I pulled out my switch blade and flicked the blade out. I held it towards one of them and tried to stand my ground. But my legs were trembling. I knew how to defend myself, but I never thought I'd have to protect myself against people. I looked down at my phone and saw Eddie was calling me. I answered it, but the gang didn't know what I was doing.

"What should we do with her?" the second one asked the first guy.

"Think we should traffic her to a black market? Who knows, there might be some weirdo trying to get with a young girl," the first said.

"You're sick for thinking I could be used for that purpose!" I said.

"Alex, where are you?" I heard Eddie say.

"She's too feisty for us to do that. I think she'd be perfect with us," said the third man.

"Yeah," said the first.

I hung up and I was about to defend myself when someone jumped in between us. I saw a big mass of black in front of me. Venom turned around and looked at me.

"Run," he said.

I ran as fast as I could as he took down the gang. I ran out of an alley and tried to find my way around the area. But I looked back and saw Eddie was running towards me. He stopped in front of me gasping for breath.

"Are you hurt?" he asked.


"Damn it, Alex. You can't just answer the phone and not tell me where you are. What if you were seriously hurt?"

"I'm sorry, Eddie." 

He sighed and knelt down in front of me, "I know I haven't seen you in a month, but I've been thinking and been trying to get some money within that month."

"What he's trying to say is," Venom started.

"Bud, I know how much you want to help out, but not right now," Eddie said. He stood up, "Let me walk you back to the building. Afterwards, you're coming to live with me."

"Really?" I asked.

"After today, I feel like this might happen again. I just have this gut feeling. And since Spider-Man didn't show his face, I feel like he's not ever going to if you're in a situation. I might as well take care of you."

"Thank you, Eddie."

"No problem."

We walked back to the building in not total silence. I had asked him a few questions about living with him and he told me some rules with living in his apartment complex. We got back to the building and I grabbed my things and together we walked back to the complex. Venom was talking to us as we were walking. Venom made the air not so stiff when I was talking to Eddie. Seems like from now on I had a place to stay. 

"Alex?" Eddie asked.


"Don't think of me as your father figure you never had. You did have a father in your life at one point. And I'm not your father figure. Think of me as the uncle you've never really bonded with or a cousin."

I nodded my head, "Alright. Can I call you Uncle Eddie?"

Eddie looked at Venom, but Venom thought it was a cute idea. 

He smiled," Sure thing, kiddo."

"I want a cool name, too," Venom said.

"But you already have a cool name, Venom," I said.

"That's true," Venom said.

We arrived at Eddie's apartment building and entered his apartment. There was some food set out on the kitchen table.

"Eat up, kiddo," Eddie said.


"Before I left, I went out and got some food and that's when I got your phone call. I came back here to get everything put away, but when you called, I thought you needed my help with something. Seems like I arrived at a good time."

"Thank you."

"No problem."

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