High on You (AshxSkyla)

Start from the beginning

I sigh and climb my way into the seat beside Skyla. I close the door and she starts to go through the routine she's probably done thousands of times. And after a go ahead from the control station, Skyla directs the plane down the runway.

We speed up and take off into the sky. I don't get to fly many times without it ending up in a near death situation so it's nice to see the scenery without worrying. I notice that Skyla is pretty calm despite the strong gusts of wind knocking us around occasionally.

"How are you managing to keep us going in a straight line?" I ask as Skyla sharply tilts the controls to stay even with the ground.

"Experience duh," Skyla giggles. "I fly whenever I can or need to."

"Impressive," I state and sit back. "What else do you do with your time?"

"Uhh," Skyla's face loses her bright smile for the first time. "I'm the Mistralton gym leader but I've kind of neglected my duties recently."

Usually I would get angry at a gym leader for not accepting challenges because I know the feeling of travelling long distances for no reason. But I have a feeling it's more than just laziness.

"Why?" I ask simply.

"Aren't you taking on the Unova challenge?" She asks. "I expected a trainer like you to yell at me and put me in my place, try to at the very least."

"Just tell me," I continue.

"Well I think I want to spend my time in the skies rather than battling trainers, who mostly want to see my body rather than my Pokémon," She answers, still with a sad frown on her face. "It takes the fun out of battling which I do still love."

"I see your point," I sigh.

"I don't know what to do Ash," She locks eyes with me and I can't look away. "Plus my grandfather is getting mad at me as well."

"Have you ever thought of putting a badge limit?" I question. "I'm not a huge fan of them but I think it's necessary in this situation."

"That could work," She starts to smile. "Thanks Ash, I'll talk to my grandfather as soon as we land."

Skyla leans over and gives me a one armed hug, "You're flying an airplane," I remind her while chuckling.

"Oh yea," She giggles and returns to controlling the flying hunk of metal. "Prepare for landing."

"Already?" I ask before noticing a city approaching.

"There's no speed limit on the sky's highways," She winks.

I watch her work and I'm back on the ground safe and sound. I see an older gentleman walking up to us and Skyla hurriedly rushes us out to meet him. "Gran-" Skyla starts with a smile but is interrupted by the serious looking man.

"Skyla the league is taking away your gym," He announces.

"How did they fin-?" She starts to tear up.

"I told them and many reports backed me up," He says sternly.

Skyla looks at him with no colour in her eyes. I look at her in sympathy, wishing I could do something to help. She looks over at me and I can see her eyes watering quite a bit.

"I'm going flying for a bit," She mutters and quickly gets into her plane before anyone could stop her.

I watch her drive up the runway and safely take off into the sky that's a little more clouded than earlier. "Ughh," The man groans and walks away.

I stand in the middle of the concrete pad, wondering where I should go. "It's late and Professor Juniper said the Pokemon Center is close by so let's go Pikachu," I suggest and we head towards the gate.

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