Part 4

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"Let's get our friend back"

Lances pov

As I was being dragged to the torture chamber I started to fall asleep. I have not slept of Eaten anything since I came here, that reminds me how long have I been here? I ask myself "wake up" I turned and looked at Hagger who called me and simply said "I need my beauty sleep now leave me alone" she chained me to a table and grabbed a knife. I stared at her in horror. " so what are you planning to do with that" I asked her,she just grinned at me and said " you have to wait and see" I gulped. "Fine but be quick" she looked at me like I had just killed someone. "Oh don't worry it will be quick for me but not for you"
She started to take my armour off me bit by bit. First my chest plate then my leg plates (don't know what there called). After that she started to cut my chest, barely noticeable marks then she cut deeper and kept going deeper. Blood was flowing out of my chest. She done the exact same thing to my legs. "You ready to talk yet?" "Of course not who do you think I am, I'm a paladin of voltron I won't say a word." Right after I said that she stabbed me in the arm and you could see the blade from the other side of my arm, it went straight through. "Aaahhh you bitch" I hissed
The door suddenly opened and I saw lotor walk towards me. "Hello blue" he said with a smirk. "Fuck you" was the last thing I said before he punched me in the face and I blacked out.

Shiro's pov

We all headed to our lions and when we got in we put the video of lance in the screen so we could see what was happening to him. "Shiro, lance won't last much longer. He's got cuts all up his legs and arms and a knife through is arm." "Yeah I know Kieth, don't worry we will get him back" I looked over too the screen and saw lotor punch lance and saw that he had blacked out. Blood was coming from his head probably cause when lotor hit me he must have hurt his head. "Come on guys let's do this" I said to get them all encouraged,but I didn't work they were all to depressed.

Kieths pov

I know Shiro was trying alto be encouraging us but I was too concerned for lance,he lay there lifeless. Ahead of us was Zarkons ship. "Right everyone let's do this and get lance back" I heard Shiro say. I watched as lance was being dragged away and into another room where he was with a boy. "MATT" I heard pidge say "he's alive and ok, thank god for that" I heard pidge sigh in relief "let's get them both back" I said
And we were heading
straight for the ship.

Words 504

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