I Have A Little Confession

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Hey guys, so heads up, this chapter is unedited ( as usual) and a little messy, but the messy part is only because both characters have drank so this is how things are going and looking in their point of view, if that makes any sense at all. If you've been drunk before, you should hopefully understand me, lol enjoy :)

Chapter 24

Rebekah awoke the next morning on the floor of Kade's living room. Ethan had left shortly after Kade woke up last night, claiming his dad had wanted him home early to talk, and Rebekah felt empty the minute the door slammed shut.

She got up off the ground and looked around her. The place was an absolute disgrace. Plates and cups with mouldy food in piled on top of each other on the coffee table. The floor was covered in dust after being left un-hoovered for weeks and empty beer cans coated every inch of the floor, making it hard to see the carpet. Nobody seemed to care, though.

She was still half-drunk from last night as the alcohol had not seemed to leave her system, which made her stupidly think it'd be a good idea to attend school today. She placed a grey crop top and some ripped jeans on which she'd worn days before, and threw her hair into a messy bun. She tried to look at herself in the mirror after splashing cold water on it to clear her vision, but her eyes couldn't adjust to seeing, and her image shifted in the glass.

Before Rebekah left, she tried to wake Kade up and get him too come with her. But he aggressively shoved her arm off and turned over, falling back to sleep, so she just walked out the door alone.

On her way there, she took her phone out her pocket, and looked at all the messages and missed calls she had, had from her father. Didn't he realise she didn't want to talk? Rebekah knew if she didn't respond, he would call the police and report her missing or something drastic like that, so she sent him a quick message saying she was fine and she'd be home tonight. Whether that was a lie or not, she didn't know.

Her eyes were glued to her screen, her head ducked down when she went barging into someone, falling backwards, trying to balance herself so she didn't fall flat on the ground. It was hard to stand up with all the extra weight lack of exercise and too much alcohol had gave her.

Once she planted her feet properly on the ground, she brought her sunken eyes up, only to see Kyra, stood in front of her, right next to the school's gates. Her arms were crossed over each other. She had a frown on her pink lips and an eyebrow raised.

" Well, look who decided to show up," Kyra said.

Rebekah let out a breath, pressing her hand against her forehead. A headache was forming already. " Yep, here I am," Rebekah mumbled, trying to walk past Kyra, but Kyra stuck her arm out, blocking the tight entrance.

" No," Kyra said angrily. " You don't get to run away this time." She took a large inhale through her nose, and then pulled a repulsed face, immediately reaching out and dragging Rebekah's clothing towards her nose.

" You stink like booze, where've you been?" Kyra still clenched her clothing between her fingers. " Oh, let me guess. With Kade fucking Samuels. What the hell is that all about?"

Rebekah pushed Kyra away from her, prying her hands off, and she beaded her eyes. They narrowed into two angry slits as she stared at Kyra. Who did she think she was?

" Don't you fucking touch me," Rebekah snared, still wafting her arms so that Kyra would move away, and before she could stop herself, harsh words tumbled from her lips. "Just because you're use to feeling up boys every minute of every day doesn't give you the right to do it to me."

Kyra's pupil dilated and her eyes expanded, gobsmacked by these words. She took a few steps back. It's like it had hit her; Rebekah Fleetwood really couldn't care less what she had to say, and no matter how much that hurt like hell, she wasn't going to stand for it anymore.

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