I Don't Know Why I'm Like This

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Super long chapter, sorry guys. To make you happy I just inserted a photo of how I'm going to look after looking after these dogs for a week hehe.

Chapter 14

Kade finally pulled himself away from Ethan, realising how ridiculous he looked, showing his weakness. Ethan slowly stepped back, and Rebekah watched as Kade hurried around the room, appearing as if he searching for something. Something important.

Rebekah was shaking, and Ethan's eyes locked on hers again- it was as if he was trying to communicate with her through that eye contact, but Rebekah couldn't get the message. She couldn't hold her gaze for long enough, because she was just so petrified.

" I'm going to have to borrow your car," Ethan kept his eyes on Rebekah's. " Mine's at home"

Kade didn't turn to meet him, but he now had an emotionless expression back on his face. Just like he always did. The way his mood could change that fast was mind blowing. It was almost like a barrier that shut down the way he was truly feeling.

" You don't need it," Kade said lowly, but he didn't turn in Ethan's direction; he continued picking up pillows from the sofa. " You're not taking her."

Rebekah closed her eyes tightly at these words as another tear fell, and Ethan stepped a little closer, his sneaker falling in the pool of blood.

" But- "

" Just leave it, Ethan!" Kade snapped. " I don't want to have this fight with you. Not right now."

Ethan nodded in defeat, stepping back away from him and cleared his throat awkwardly. Kade's eyes lit up and he finally reached out to grab the keys he'd spent a few minutes finding. He shoved them in his pocket, and faced Ethan.

" We need to be quick now," he said. " There's a rug in my bedroom. I need you to go and grab it so we can rap her inside of it, and get her in the truck before anybody notices." Her. He couldn't even say her name. Rebekah cringed as he spoke about his dead step mother. How could he be so calm right now? It was revolting.

Ethan nodded his head slowly again, before jolting of out the room and up the stairs in a hurry.

Kade then turned on his heels towards Rebekah. "You," he now growled. " I want you to go to my dads office and grab some paper and a pen."

Rebekah lifted her tearful eyes up, and used her shaky hand to move her blonde, knotty hair out her face. She furrowed her brows. What would she need stationary for at this moment in time?

" You're going to write a lame ass excuse note for why that little tart has left my dad. Don't start writing all that posh shit. The stupid bitch probably couldn't even spell."

He huffed and shuffled his hand through his hair, Rebekah shuddered at the way he spat the words out. Here he was, slating a dead woman. He didn't even care that he'd murdered family  tonight. Rebekah thought that Kade Samuels was evil, but never did she think he'd go this extreme. She still couldn't get her head around it. She felt like she couldn't breathe in this room with him.

" B-but, my hands are shaking," she stuttered, her clogged throat made it hard to understand what she was saying; it came out in blubbers.

" Perfect," Kade said. " The hand writing wouldn't have been neat, she takes cocaine."

Takes. More like took.

Rebekah gulped before bowing her head towards her feet. She still hadn't got up from the ground; she felt paralysed. Completely unable to move due to the agonising pain in her leg and hip, and also the stun that had froze her body, making her feel like she'd never walk again. Only rock to and fro against the floorboards.

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