Who I Was

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Giggling. That's the first thing Yoongi heard as he opened his eyes. Is it coming from outside his room? Probably, them little brats are always awake way too early for his standard. The sunlight slowly filters through the curtains of his little window as he reluctantly starts to awaken.

Glancing over at the clock on the wall Yoongi soon realises it's even earlier than he had initially anticipated, with a groan he accepts the fact that he'll never be able to catch another minute of sleep now his body is finally functioning.

With little (lots of) complaint the young boy rolls himself out of bed, wrapped snugly in a blanket cocoon ready to face his frankly way too energetic family currently residing in the kitchen.

Carefully trudging his way downstairs, Yoongi starts to take notice of more and more voices making their way to his ears, perhaps it's not just his family after all.

Once at the bottom of the stairs the voices are all talking over each other too much to even be able to begin guessing how many there are. However, as soon as the boy turns the corner into the kitchen, where the voices are coming from, the whole room suddenly drops into silence as everyone turns to look at the scrawny, little, sleepy boy, tucked in his fluffy brown blanket.

"Ah Yoongi, you're awake!" exclaimed one of the voices which he recognised to belong to his mother. "Took you long enough"

"mmhm" and unidentifiable grunt came as an answer to her. He may be walking but he's nowhere near functioning enough to hold a conversation.

More giggles, much like the ones that woke him up his morning, could be heard following his sleepy response.

"Come on Yoonie wake up! Mum said she has exciting news for you" the eldest of his little siblings, Chihu, shouted down his ear canal.

"Aish you little brat! You're gonna make my ears bleed"

Chihu only stuck his tongue out as a response 'I suppose you can't stop children being childish'

"Knock it off you two, The Chief, your Mother and I do seriously have some exciting news for you though Son, Come sit" It was only at that point when Yoongi registered who was in the room with him. To his right sat Chihu and his younger sister Eun-Seo. Across the kitchen, beside his mother stood his father and just to the left of him was the village Chief, Hwan Song-Su.

"Ah Hwan Song-Su Shi, my apologies I didn't see you there" The first thing Yoongi ever learnt was to show unwavering respect to his elders, most importantly the Village Chief and Village Elders.

With one swift movement of his hand the Chief dismissed Yoongi's apology and motioned for him to sit down.

Making a move by taking a seat at his favourite table was the cue for the rest of the occupants to follow the boy to the dining table, The Chief took the space at the very end of the table with the children's parents flanking him on either side. Shortly after, the 2 younger of the Min children joined everyone else at the table, refusing to miss the so-called exciting information.

His Mother started talking first, after everyone had settled at the table. "As you know Yoongi, the Chief's daughter has recently presented as an Omega." The boy nodded along. "And you're due to present soon as your 18th Birthday is coming up.." finishing with a suggestive tone Yoongi assumed his mother was implying something however it was still way too early to be processing much of anything.

With a sigh, his Father carried off where his Mother left, "And so, after you present as an Alpha and all that muscle and height comes through-"

Oh, right.

He almost forgot about that. Every generation before his Father, every single male has presented an Alpha. Granted, there are some male Beta's on his mother side but that doesn't matter to his Father. No pressure or anything but if he presents as a beta he's pretty sure his Father will be extremely upset and most likely disown him. Don't get Yoongi wrong, he loves his father but he can sometimes be too passionate about all this presenting as an Alpha business. Yoongi supposes he's just lucky it's impossible for him to present as an Omega - he can't even imagine how that would turn out.

"-we discussed this with Hwan-Shi and have decided the best course of action will be to have you and Da-Bin mate when her first heat hits after your presentation" his Father explains.


What. The. Actual. Fuck.

Mate Da-Bin?! Are they serious? I mean are his parents actually serious?

He's known Da-Bin his whole life, they've been friendly ever since they both first met when they were young. Ok, she's pretty and she would probably make a good mate for someone. But not him!

He must admit, his parents may not be the most forgiving and understanding out there but he at least hoped, he at the very least dreamed that he would be able to choose his own mate. But no! Of course not, who was he kidding. His parents have to control every little thing about his life. Yes, OK, they give him shelter, they feed him and they raised him and they don't ask for too much in return but THIS? He is not on board at all. No one even does this arranged mates shit anymore! Why bring it back just for him? For god sake. He just wanted at least a little freedom in this one decision of his life but no, they had to take that away from him too. He can't believe them - they knew how excited he has been ever since he was little about finding his perfect mate and now they've gone and snatched that opportunity from right under his nose. He's such an idiot! Why did he ever let himself dream, he should've known that they would've pulled some shit like this.

"Obviously, I have already spoken to Da-Bin about this to see if she was okay with it, and she expressed very elevated emotions about it." The Chief piped up.

Oh, I suppose that seals it then. And of course daddy's little princess got a choice in all of this shit and OF COURSE she fucking agreed because god forbid she ever go against what daddy wants.

Yoongi lifts his head up from where he was staring at his hands throughout his whole inner breakdown, ready to argue, when he meets the stern gaze of his father, the gaze that means 'If you go against me I will beat you until your nothing but a bleeding mess of the boy you once were'. Yoongi's only ever made the mistake of going against that gaze when he was 15 and he will never ever make that mistake again.

Swallowing, Yoongi forces himself to nod as a sign of affirmation as he can't guarantee what will come out of his mouth if he tries to talk. He's met with smiles from the other side of the table and squeals from his two younger siblings beside him.

Well, Shit.

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