The Titan Legacy

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The day after Jim went home, you and Jim went out to buy some supplies, such as screw drivers, pliers, wrench, screws, and more. You know, just in case when some parts of the ship breaks.
You also bought some comforters, pillows and other stuff for the trip, Including some canned goods.
The day after that, you and Jim were packing and made a checklist for the things you and Jim were carrying.
"Pillows?" Jim said, while holding the checklist and a pen you gave him for Christmas last year.



"Canned goods?"






"Toothbrush, Toothpaste, soap and shampoo?"

"Check, of course!"

"Okay, We're good to go!" Jim replied, as he zipped his bag.
"Cool, Let's go!" You said, excitedly.

You and Jim opened the inn door, and saw a mini boat waiting for you.
A second later, you heard a familiar voice, saying "Jim!! Jim!! Wait!!!" Sarah yelled, as she ran towards Jim.
"Jim, Be careful Ok?" Sarah said, as she put her hand on his cheek.
"Don't worry mom! I'll be fine!" Jim replied, as he put his hand in Sarah's.
"Take care of (Y/N), okay?" Sarah said, as she glanced at you.
"Mom, of course I will!!" Jim replied, as he smiled.
"And don't forget to brush your teeth 3 times a day to keep that snow white teeth of yours!" Sarah said, as she smiled and pointed on Jim's teeth.
"Mom!" Jim said, laughing a bit.
Sarah laughed along, and hugged Jim as she whispered "I love you Jim!"
"Love you too, mom!" Jim said, as he hugged Sarah back.
"We gotta go, we'll miss the ship!" Jim said, as he let go.
"Okay. Love you!" Sarah said, as she gave Jim his bags.
"Bye mom!" Jim said, as he walked away and waved goodbye to his mom.
He grabbed your hand and continued to walk. You waved goodbye to Sarah, as Sarah waved back And smiled.
Jim helped you up because the ship was floating in the air. He carried you on your waist, and he got up next. He sat next to you, as the Alien with a hybrid of gorilla and a lizard, started the engine and started to drive.
You and Jim waved at Sarah, that's waving back at you and Jim.
After 4 minutes, you've arrived to the Spaceport, due to the gorilla and lizard like creature driving really fast.
You got off the mini boat, and exhaled at the fresh air of the Spaceport.
You and Jim walked to see where the ship is.
You asked a chicken half octopus creature if he knows where the ship is.
"Uh hi! We were wondering if you saw a ship here with a carved name Titan Legacy?"
You asked.
"Right over there!" He said. He then pointed at a humongous ship. It didn't look like pirate ship at all, in fact, it looked modern and really clean. It was made out of wood and metal, with a bit of gold in it. There was a golden plate in the middle of the ship, with a carving on it that says "The Titan Legacy".
You weren't excited because of the ship. You were expecting one that looked like a pirate ship. You know, the one that looked adventurous.
You and Jim got on the ship, as Jim let out a little "Woah!!"
You looked around, mesmerized because of the design of the ship. But again, you weren't excited at all.
There was nobody at the ship, because Jim told his boss that you could drive on your own. Sooooo, he didn't hire a captain.
He also didn't hire a crew because, Jim and you could do all the stuff that's needed to do during the adventure.
You then drove the ship up to the magnificent galaxy, with Jim on your side. He then went up the pole and released the sails.
After all that, you then saw an "Auto Drive" button, then pushed it, so you didn't have to drive. Again, the ship was modern, so it had the button and a few more buttons that you didn't quite understand because, you drove old style ships.

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