Writing 3

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Every soul is like a star. All of us can shine bright together under the same sky, because we all shine in different ways. That's how a galaxy is created. A mix of color, light and darkness, each shade and shadow complementing another. To take one away is like taking a gear out of a watch, or a piece out of a puzzle. We all belong somewhere in this galaxy, we just need to find where. 

Each of us are crafted differently, like snowflakes. No two snowflakes have the same pattern, just like no two people follow the same path. We all exist for a reason, to contribute in someway to the world, to the great painting that is the universe. If we all are forced or told, to shine the same way, then the beauty in individuality is lost. The painting, ruined. The galaxy, dim. For one star cannot shine like another, it will try then fail, Then loose belief in itself, it's light becoming weaker and weaker, till it's no longer there.

Let's not let the light inside us fade away.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2019 ⏰

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