chapter 4

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Professor Moon had just closed the lecture and Taeyong was packing up his things. As per usual he was the last one left in the classroom. He always had some questions to ask Mr Moon before he left for the day and returned to his dorm to study.

He swung his backpack around his shoulder before proceeding to walk down the stairs. Mr Moon waited patiently at the bottom for Taeyong as he expected the boy had questions.

As Taeyong reached the bottom he was greeted by Mr Moon, "Good afternoon, Taeyong. What's the problem?"

"Well, Sir." Taeyong began as they walked out of the classroom together. "Ted Bundy had no actual father, correct?"

"Yes, that is what I said in the lecture, Taeyong. I hope you were listening."

"Oh, I was!" Taeyong reassured him. "But I was just thinking..."

"Yes?" Professor Moon turned to face his curious student.

"Ted Bundy's grandparents were ashamed that their daughter had gotten pregnant, right? So they sent her away to a home for unwed mothers so she could give birth in secret."

"Yes." Mr Moon agreed. "And?"

"Well, he was supposedly raised by his abusive grandfather, right? Do they assume that it was the absence of a real father that provoked his psychotic tendances, or was it the insane parenting of his grandfather that provoked them? I'm just curious."

Mr Moon coughed at the heavy question, "Well Taeyong, most people assume it was his grandfather, but honestly it could have been the absence of his father, or even the fact that his mother was neglected when she was pregnant. But it is for sure that no one actually knows but Ted himself."

"Of course." Taeyong nodded as he processed his professor's words. "Thank you, professor. Enjoy your afternoon."

"You too." Mr Moon waved at him before walking off in the opposite direction.

"Baby boy!" Taeyong heard as he was about to walk out the door. He turned around and saw Jaehyun jogging towards him. "Honestly, stop calling me that." Taeyong told him as he caught up to him.

"Well tell me your name." Jaehyun spoke as they exited the building. "It's been two months since we met and I still don't know it."

"If you keep asking I won't tell you."

"Fine, Mr Lee." Jaehyun gave up. "What took you so long anyway? The lecture finished ten minutes ago."

"I was talking to professor Moon."

"Ughh, professor Moon." Jaehyun groaned. "He's such an ass."

"He is not, Jaehyun." Taeyong scolded him. "His an amazing professor. You know he's only a couple years older than us? He's that skilled in his field, he became the youngest professor in decades."

"Oh, you seem pretty defensive about him. You bouncing on his dick or something for good grades."

"Jaehyun!" Taeyong turned to look at him offended. "You know more than anyone that I work hard for the grades I get."

"Yeah, yeah, I know. I was just kidding." Jaehyun smiled, throwing an arm over Taeyong's shoulder. "There's already talk that he's fucking some other kid."

Taeyong looked shocked. Mr Moon was a respectful professor and it was ridiculous someone would spread rumours about him. Sure, he was young and good-looking but that don't mean shit.

"Really?" Taeyong asked.

"Yeah." Jaehyun nodded, "Apparently it's some guy doing a teaching degree and they've been at it since late last year before we came."

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