chapter 3

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Sitting down on the sofa in his dorm, he stared down at the time on his phone. He sighed when reading the numbers displayed on the screen. The numbers read 6:58pm.

Taeyong knew Jaehyun still had two minutes to arrive, but he couldn't help but already feel anxious and disappointed. He just knew the boy would either come an hour late or not at all. He didn't want to admit it, but he was slightly saddened at the thought. He was looking forward to the dinner date.

Was it even a date? It seemed like a date. Jaehyun showed all the right signs showing that he was attracted to him, but maybe it wasn't a date. Maybe it was no more than a booty call. Maybe Taeyong was just another conquest to Jaehyun. Maybe that's why Taeyong didn't want to get close.

Pushing the thoughts aside, Taeyong started taking off his fancy white velvet dress shirt, prepared for the late or non-arrival of Jaehyun. As he pressed his thumb underneath the fourth button he heard a melodic knock at the door. Taeyong frowned with question as he looked at the digital clock on the kitchen counter.

A soft laugh emitted from his lips as he gently shook his head with disbelief. It was dead on seven and a knock resonated from the door. It couldn't be him.

Walking to the door, he opened it with curiosity building in his chest. He couldn't control the escalating laugh he released when he saw Jaehyun standing there, satiny dark red dress shirt with slick black slacks that showed off the amazing body that hid underneath.

"What?" Jaehyun asked, confusion clearly heard throughout the tone of his voice. "What's so funny?"

"Nothing." Taeyong answered, his laughter dying down. "Just didn't think you'd show up is all."

"Why wouldn't I? I did ask to go on this date remember? Oh God, I hope you remember it'd be a tad bit concerning if you didn't. It was only yesterday after all."

So it was a date. Taeyong unconsciously lowered his head flustered as a smile messaged its way on his redden features.

"No, I remember." He spoke before passing him, closing the door behind himself and walking down the hallway. "We better go. I'm starting to get hungry."

Jaehyun nodded although Taeyong couldn't see him from behind. He jogged to close the distance between them and tried grabbing Taeyong's hand but the other quickly reefed in back and held it in his other palm.

"Fine." Jaehyun smirked as they walked out into the parking lot. "But I guarantee, at the end of the night when you're cold, you'll want to hold my hand. Especially with all those buttons undone. Your chest will be freezing."

Taeyong gasped as he tried to cover his exposed chest. He had totally forgotten he had unbuttoned them thinking that Jaehyun was going to ditch. He frantically re-buttoned his shirt only leaving the first two undone as he did before.

"It's okay," Jaehyun shrugged as he opened the door to his car. "I already had a good look."

"Shut up!" Taeyong growled, opening the passenger side with force.

Jaehyun quietly laughed while getting into the vehicle. Taeyong huffed, arms crossed over his chest like an upset toddler.

As Jaehyun drove neither of them said a word. This wasn't a good start to their date and Jaehyun knew he needed to change that. A compliment. A compliment will surely make the cute boy smile. So he said what was on his mind the moment the other opened the door for him.

"You look gorgeous tonight, baby boy." He told Taeyong, everting his attention from the road for a second to look at the other sitting beside him. Taeyong grinned softly, his tongue skimming across the plain of his luscious lips as he looked down at his fiddling fingers laid shyly in his lap. 

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