Chapter 2: A Perfect Night in the Moon Light

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Lucy P.O.V
When we get done with the games I hurry back to our hotel, get changed into a white halter spaghetti strap dress with my hair into a ponytail. I didn't do anything different with my makeup, I thought it still looked good.
"I'm going to be late tonight, I don't know when, but I'm going to be late." I try leave without saying another word to any of them, but Natsu stopped me before I could.
"Wait, where are you going, you look too cute to just go for a walk in the town."
"I'm just going out. I'll see you guys later tonight." I was about to put my shoes on but then I looked at the clock, and it was an hour then. I mumble some cuss words to myself before leaving. I had a pair of heals in my hands. I was running as fast as I could and I met Sting in our spot. I could see him waiting there for me as I came up.
"I'm so sorry. I tried to leave early but Natsu wouldn't let me go and then I didn't have time to put my shoes on-" I was totally out of breath.
"Hey, Luce it's fine. I wasn't waiting that long. Here, you can get your shoes on now." He puts his arm out for me to balance on. I look at him, and he was wearing his normal clothes, but there was something about him that made him just look so much better than normal. "You look so pretty." He puts his hand on my waist and pulls me closer to him. Sting leans down and starts to kiss me. We wandered around the town all night long. We didn't even care about time, that is until we noticed that the games were going to start in no less than two hours.
"Oh crap, I need to go. I have a fight today. Crap. I'm sorry, bye Sting." I was about to leave, but he took my hand and held me back.
"Wait just a second," I turn and see him look towards the ground blushing, "Lucy, I had the best night of my life, and I feel like I really know you now, so, would it be okay if we started to date? Where I can say that I have a girlfriend, and tell them it is the most beautiful wizard from Fairy Tail?" I know I was blushing as well, Sting steps closer to me until his body is pressing against mine.
"Sting, I would like nothing more than exactly that." He leans down and kisses me.
"Thank god. Now, you go and win your fight. I'll be rooting for you." I let go of him. My fight was put all over, Minerva refused to stop fighting. I was so broken and bruised after. I don't think I could have seen Natsu more pissed off, but Sting looked like he was going to kill someone.
"Lucy?" I heard him knock on the door softly before coming in that night. He came and sat next to me one the bed. "I'm so sorry, I wish I could have helped you, or stopped her, or if I could have done something besides nothing you wouldn't be here. I'm so sorry." I could feel some water fall on my hand. I open my eyes to seem him crying next to me. "The master, he killed Lector tonight too. I killed him as best I could, Minerva, she left, but now I'm the master. I can't be, I'm not old enough. I have no idea what to do. I can't do it. Luce, I can't do this." I sat up in my bed and took him into a hug.
"Yes you can. It's not your fault your fault, anything that happened. You will be an amazing master, you can do this Sting. I know you can. Your going to be amazing, and it's going to be because you are you and your amazing." He scoops me up and puts me in his lap. I had to try really hard not to whimper, but it was so painful. Wendy said I had a few broken ribs, and so many bruises all over my body.
"Lucy, your amazing." Sting pulls me closer to him when I couldn't help but let out a small whimper. "Are you okay?"
"Yeah I'm fine. Sorry it's lust a little bruise on my side." Sting moves his hand up, but he accidentally moved my shirt. All down my side was blue and purple.
"Jesus christ, Luce, I'm so sorry."
"Why?" I move my hand to the side of his face and make him meet my eyes. "It's not your fault. Nothing that has happened to me today, besides so much happiness, is your fault. Sting, I really like you, and I don't want you to think her malicious brutality is in anyway your fault."
"Sting, it's not your fault. Thank you so much for seeing me. It really means the world that you came. I really missed you. Wendy said I would be okay tomorrow, so why don't we go to that waterpark? I heard it was pretty amazing, then we can go back to your room, or mine. Sting, I want to spend as much time with you as I possibly can. Your amazing and I'm so happy that I can just be around you lately." Sting starts to kiss me, and I kiss him back. I wasn't like any regular kiss, this meant something more. Sting ended up staying with me the whole night, and before anyone else came he left to go back to his guild. That day I went and showered. It was the last games, and unfortunately I wasn't able to participate, but Sting, he came back, and in the end Sabertooth learned just how important friendship really was, especially in a guild. Lector came back, most surprising was because Minerva gave him back. That was the unfateful night that the dragons came through the portal, but more than once Sting saved me. At the end of all the craziness we were able to do everything we wanted to. We were starting to leave on the carriage, but he came and stopped me before we left.
"Hey, Lucy!" I turned around and he was running up to me.
"Hey Sting." He leans down trying to catch his breath. After he catches it we walk over to our spot. "Is everything okay?"
"Yeah, I was just wondering when a good time to come to Magnolia would be?" He gives me the cutest sheepish smile. Sting pulls me into him and holds me close to him. "I will honor my word and come. Fairy Tail was pretty amazing I will say."
"Whenever you want to come will be okay with me, but I am probably going to sleep all of tomorrow." I giggle then look into his eyes, "just don't keep me waiting for too long."
"I promise I won't" Sting leans down and kisses me again. I couldn't believe myself for falling so quickly for him, but Sting was absolutely perfect. He was kind, and loving, and honestly, everything important. I leave to the carriage that was going to take us all home. I slept the whole way, as well as everyone else. When we came back there was a huge parade for all of us, we were welcomed back as heroes. For the next few days I was able to relax, but I was waiting for him to come back. It began to be a week, than a another, and another. Time dragged on without Sting, and I missed him. He sent letters, and I sent his some back, but I missed him. Natsu still comes to my apartment as often as he possibly could. I always went and slept on the couch, rather than my own bed. One day, I heard a knock on my door. I sigh then get up to open it. I was waiting to see my landlady. As soon as I open the door I was tackled backwards after seeing a yellow blur.
"God I missed you." He pulls back and wiped the tears away from my eyes. "I missed you so much I'm so glad you're finally here. Sting, I missed you."
"I missed you too. There wasn't a day that went by that I didn't think about you. Luce, you look more beautiful than I remember." Sting starts to kiss me. I wrap my legs around his waist and he carries me to my bed.
"Luce, is this going to be okay?" I look up at him, and I can see in his eyes how her really means the best.
"Yes of course it will. I want you, god I really want you. I have for so long. This is so much better than okay, this is perfect." Sting keeps kissing me while he is taking me clothes off. We don't leave my apartment that whole day. It was just me and sting, but after it got dark we left to go and get some dinner.
"So, how has being the master gone?" I ask him after sipping a little bit of water.
"It's actually amazing. Rouge has been helping me and finally everyone feels safe, like were a light guild, not a dark one. We added a pool in the guild and it's amazing now. When do you want to come see it? The guild is also dying to know who my girlfriend is." I feel my cheeks grow hotter.
"You told them about us?"
"Not really, they just know I've been sending you letters all the time, and they are dying to know who you are."
"Then I guess I'll go soon, when is a good time?"
"Alright, so you're going to meet Fairy Tail, then I'll go back with you to Sabertooth. Is that alright?"
"That sounds perfect." Sting leans forward and kisses me. We head to the guild right after dinner.

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