The Taeyong Jaehyun had grown to know was bold and feisty, not flustered and shy. Jaehyun wasn't complaining though. The timid Taeyong was endearing. He wanted him, so badly. So, so, so badly.

"Thank you." Taeyong coughed, trying to pull himself out of his flustered state as readjusted himself in his seat. "You don't look too bad yourself."

"Did you just say I look attractive? Hot even?" Jaehyun smirked.

"Shut up."

"Thank you, baby." Jaehyun spoke with gratitude, reaching out and placing his hand on Taeyong's that laid gently on his thigh. Taeyong gave him a disgusted look before he threw Jaehyun's hand off his.

"You're biting off more than you can chew, Jaehyun. Stop overstepping yourself and being greasy." Taeyong told him with an authoritative tone. "It's a major turn off."

And the bold and feisty Taeyong was back.

Jaehyun released a breathy chuckle, running his tongue along his teeth in amusement. "It would be quite injustice to not turn you on, baby boy."

Taeyong sighed, and he sighed loudly. He wanted to make sure Jaehyun heard it loud and clear. "Well, you're being unjust right now, Jaehyun."

Jaehyun laughed at his defeat as he stopped the car. Taeyong hadn't even realised they had arrived. Neither had he realised he was enjoying the conversation, though he would never let that on.

In the restaurant few people had gathered for the evening. The overall design of the building was traditional, light pink cherry blossoms painted onto the walls, complimentary bonsai trees and decorated rice paper lanterns. Taeyong was impressed to find out Jaehyun had reserved a table. He had really thought about this. Maybe he was judging him too harshly.

As they sat down a waiter come over and asked them for their order. After ordering they sat quietly, Taeyong watching Jaehyun's eyes burn tracks into his body.

"I'm not the meal, Jaehyun." Taeyong groaned. "Wait patiently and you'll get your food soon."

"Mmm." Jaehyun hummed, biting his lips and lifting his brows. "Baby boy, don't promise such things. You give me false hope."

"Stop being a horn dog, Jaehyun. I'm on this date to give you a chance. Don't mess it up."

That seemed to calm him down as his libido went rushing back down to his crouch. Taeyong was finally going to have a civilised conversation. Maybe see the adoring Jaehyun he met yesterday. The one that had convinced him into coming in the first place.

"So," Jaehyun started, "What made you want to study criminology?"

"Well, my mum and dad are detectives and I guess their love for it has washed off onto me. I've wanted to be one my entire life. I just want to help people you know? Put the bad guys away." Taeyong beamed as he explained his passion. "What about you?"

Jaehyun shrugged slightly, "My father wanted me to take the course. Said it would help him with his business and would help me in the long run anyway because I'm his successor."

"Oh, that's unfortunate. I guess that explains why you're not as determine to get good grades." Taeyong frowned, more to himself than Jaehyun. He started to realise he has misunderstood the other boy. "What's your father business?"

Jaehyun hesitated a bit, he seemed to think about his response carefully before answering, "He owns an importing and exporting company."

"Explains why you're rich."

"Yeah. What about you?" Jaehyun questioned the other. "What cases do your parents exactly deal with?"

"They deal with things like murders, disappearances, gangs-"

"Gangs?" Jaehyun interrupted him.

"Yeah, why?" Taeyong frowned. What was so odd about that? He did tell him that they were detectives.

"Oh, gangs? They just interest me is all. The whole brotherhood thing is intriguing." Jaehyun told him.

At that moment the waiter had returned with their food. They began to eat before picking up where they left off.

"Yeah, me too actually." Taeyong nodded, pinching the noddles between his chopsticks before lifting them it his mouth. "My parents just busted a gang that consisted primarily of Swedish people. They were chasing the gang for a really long time because every time they arrested a member, they'd die minutes later from poisoning. They did it to protect each other, so they wouldn't rat each other out. It's really interesting the strong family-like bond they have."

"Wait," Jaehyun paused from eating his meal, "You're parents are the Lee detectives?"

"Yeah, you know them?" Taeyong was slightly surprised to say the least.

"They're pretty famous." Jaehyun told Taeyong. The Lee detectives had solved even the most unlikely cases. They were quite famous amongst everyone involved in law.

"Their reputation succeeds them." Taeyong laughed quietly, returning to his meal. All this talk about his parents made him feel homesick.

Jaehyun noticed Taeyong's saddening mood. He himself didn't have a strong relationship with his father but he could tell Taeyong had a relationship as strong as an ox with his parents. They had fuelled his passion after all.

"Hey, at least I know you're a Lee now." Jaehyun grinned cockily. "Just have to find out your first name."

Taeyong smiled, "Yeah, then my number right?"

"Right. Then your number." Jaehyun smiled back at him.

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