I snickered. "We're not barbarians, Skylar. We are just like your pack but we prefer the actual outdoors and that mainly because we spend almost all of our time in our wolf forms."

She glanced back around. Oh wow I didn't even notice the other giant wolves here. Her thought slipped into my head and I blinked. Well that just happened.

Just then a large light gray wolf, my brother Wyatt who just happened to be the next in like for Alpha, padded over to us. His light blue eyes narrowed as he looked Skylar up and down before turning to me. Who is this?

"Skylar." I said aloud as to not keep her in the dark. She understood instantly and nodded. At that point I finally could see the shyness Ryan had been talking about take over the features on her face as she ducked her head slightly.

He looked back and forth between us, his fur ruffling in the wind. Is she your mate?

"What?" I exclaimed. "No!"

Skylar seemed alarmed and taken aback while Wyatt's eyes shone with confusion and within the next second, he had shifted back to human. He stood there, of course just a few inches taller than me, in what I noticed to be my t-shirt and a pair of cargo shorts.

I rolled my eyes. He snickered slightly before addressing me again. "If she's not your mate then what is she doing here naked in your t-shirt?"

Skylar blushed scarlett, refusing to look at him making me laugh. I took a deep breath. "That's why we're here. She's not my mate but we um felt sparks and now I'm fearing for my life."

He raised his eyebrows. "Okay were you dropped on your head as a child when I was like not there or are you just plain stupid?" My eyebrows pulled together while Skylar started whistling softly, looking every where but the two of us. "Sparks mean mate. And why would you be fearing for your life shouldn't you be like jumping with joy or something?"

Skylar laughed before covering her mouth, embarrassed. I glared at him. "You don't understand! Yes we felt sparks but she already has a mate!"

"That's happened before." Wyatt continued on, not getting the main point. "Why would you fear for your life? You could probably take him."

Skylar burst out laughing, falling to her knees and I pursed my lips getting her message nice and clear. Not that I needed it. I already knew I wouldn't be able to take an Alpha.

"This isn't just a girl named Skylar whom I gave my t-shirt too, Wyatt." I pinched my nose. "This is Skylar Nightly. Or rather, Skylar Lancaster. Ryan's mate." I glared up at him again. "Do you really think I can take the Alpha of River Hollows? And even if I could, he'd probably kick us out of his territory! And we'd never get that treaty signed!"

Wyatt's eyes widened. "Well you're definitely screwed. Which makes us massively screwed. Does he know yet?"

"No." Skylar spoke for the first time. She shook her head, a smile still on her face. "I blocked him out which he won't be too happy about considering I did just shift for the first time."

"And you just shifted?!" Wyatt exclaimed. "Are you trying to screw us over?"

"Hey!" She shot back, her hands on her hips. "I'm kinda freaked out by this. I don't know if Ryan told you but I wasn't raised in the whole werewolf pack thing and this double mate thing is quite new. So excuse me for not wanting to go back to my mate who is extremely possessive and will rip Alec's head off if we don't figure this out."

And there's the feisty spark. Alec thought. Skylar shot me a look and I raised my hands in surrender. Wyatt looked a bit taken aback as well. She looked back over to him, her eyebrows raised.

"Okay okay." He sighed. "Let's go see Sierra, the pack witch."


*whispers* were you surprised? I was.

*whispers again* I hoped you liked it cuz Alec will be back very soon

There's a reason I said special guest appearance. Anyone else notice it's in first person while Ryan's isn't? There isn't a specific reason other than it's special because I'm experimenting. I've never done first person for a boy hence the reason Ryan is in third person. And also, Ryan will remain in third cuz that would be a bitch to go back and change all of that and since it's already third im keeping it that way.

Alec is very very special. Very very special much like a certain Luna some of you may know.....heheh.

Lol anyway hoped you enjoyed this chapter and please refrain from commenting on the whole first person/third person thing I already explained it up there ^^^ so por favor don't mention it *pouts* peaz?

I hope to update again maybe this weekend. Maybe. My parents are going out of town so I'm staying with a friend therefore I may be a little busy

~Oh you're in my veins, and I cannot get you out~

P.S. I love you guys <3 [and all your little comments too]


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