Chapter 21

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The week had flown by quickly and before Clarke knew it, the clock was ticking down to the start of another game with Lexa and her nerves were completely on edge. She had thought about cancelling, really she had, but at the same time, she just couldn't bring herself to do it. They had made some sort of twisted progress the previous week and for some insane reason, she really didn't want to lose the tiny bit of momentum that they had.

A sudden light rapping on the door pulled Clarke out of her daze and she got to her feet, taking a deep breath to try and steady herself before approaching the door. As soon as she opened it though, her eyes fell on Lexa and as if on reflex, they instantly narrowed. Lexa was again, dressed in a pressed dark suit, with her hair pulled back and this time, she carried a pizza box.

"I didn't know," Lexa began with a slight shrug, "if I was supposed to bring food again, so I figured, if not – it's just a pizza anyway."
Clarke gave her a nod and motioned her inside, silently refusing to admit that she was actually starving because she hadn't eaten, banking on Lexa bringing food – after all, consistency, right?

As Lexa set the pizza box down on the table, Clarke went into the kitchen, again retrieving two beers, napkins and a couple of paper plates. By the time she returned Lexa had already pulled the chessboard out of the box and was quietly setting all of the pieces in their proper starting place. Clarke couldn't help by notice the way that her jaw kept clenching and releasing. Okay, so apparently she wasn't the only one on edge tonight.

The first part of the game went on in an awkward, but slightly comfortable silence as each of them devoured several slices of pizza and sipped on their beers. The anticipation of which one of them would actually snag the first piece and get to ask the first question was both slightly unnerving and exciting at the same time. After Lexa besting her the previous week by only answering that she had blacked, Clarke was really hoping to score the first piece.

"Shit," Clarke mumbled as she watched Lexa capturing her first piece. "Alright. Hit me with it," she sat back.
"How's the pizza?" Lexa asked simply.
Clarke felt her eyebrows shoot up. For real? "Are you serious?" She asked feeling slightly baffled.
Lexa only nodded as she dropped her napkin on to her plate and set it aside.
"Um," Clarke's brow furrowed slightly. "It's really good actually. Thank you," she paused, having shocked herself, "for picking it up."
"You're welcome," Lexa responded as she redirected her eyes to the board.

Clarke stared down at the board, suddenly unable to focus. What the hell was that about? Of all of the things that she could have asked, Lexa went with - how's the pizza? Really? It had to be some kind of joke or trick, a way to try and throw her off of her game, right? Nope. No way. That was not happening. Focus! Another couple of minutes slipped away before Clarke took a deep breath and finally made her move.

Fifteen minutes later, Lexa captured a second piece and Clarke practically pouted.

"I was just trying to ease the tension when I asked you about the pizza," Lexa admitted with a slightly defeated looking grin. "Though, I am glad that you enjoyed it," she added and then took a deep breath as she sat up straighter, "So, what happened to your contract at Polis?"
Clarke's eyes went wide and she barely contained a growl – yes, an actual growl. "Who told you about that?"
Lexa simply raised her eyebrows and sat silent.
Clarke bit the inside of her cheek. Unbelievable. "I just didn't want to do it anymore," she answered with a sharp shrug after a moment. "I lost that spark for it and Thelonious was kind enough to let me out of my contract, even though he didn't have to."
"But, you were so good," Lexa shook her head immediately.
"I was barely more than mediocre," Clarke rolled her eyes before returning them to the board.

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