"I have a sense of logic, unlike you lot!" One of the students grabbed my goblet and poured its contents on my head.

"Shut up and accept your true self!" She said. It was that Fritz girl that went before me. My best friend, Jean, came up next to me.

"Gryffindor too?" I asked rubbing my hair with my sleeve.

"Yeah, quite a loss," He replied.

"I'll have you know, Gryffindors are well known to be heroes," Another student said.

"Yeah? I don't want to be a hero. My main priority is to learn and grow myself. I haven't got time for gits!" I continued to try drying my hair.

"Quit moping about it and enjoy the feast! You can't change your house once you're placed," Fritz said. I stayed silent for the entire feast. I didn't listen to the prefects while they were guiding me up the tower or anything. I felt disgusted surrounded by endless amounts of scarlet and gold.

When I woke up the next morning to see that my uniform now had the Gryffindor emblem, I almost puked

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When I woke up the next morning to see that my uniform now had the Gryffindor emblem, I almost puked.

"Why!" I exclaimed as I stared at my robe.

"Eren, just put it on. You can't change it," Jean said.

"But it's- Look at it!"

"Eren, I'm not going to be late because of you," Jean said as he picked up his wand and books. I rolled my eyes and lazily pushed my arm through the sleeve.

"I hate red..." I sloppily put on my tie and descended the tower to breakfast. We got our schedules there. First thing I had was charms with Ravenclaws, Jean had the same. We walked to the class where Professor Ackerman was waiting for us.

"Now, who can tell me what Wingardium Leviosa does?" He asked. The bloke I met on the boat, Arlert, raised his hand.

"It allows you to levitate objects. It doesn't work on humans though," He said.

"Excellent Arlert! 5 points to Ravenclaw. How did you know?" Ackerman asked.

"I read the charms book on the train," He replied.

"Brilliant, now, what is probably the most important thing..." I glared over at Arlert smiling and laughing with his new bestie, Springer. "...is the swish and flick." The professor did the wrist motion as he said it. "Say it with me, everyone."

"Swish and flick,"

"Good, now try and levitate your feathers." With a flick of his wand, a single feather appeared for each student. "Wands ready? Begin."

"Wingardium Leviosa." Still salty about wearing the Gryffindor emblem, I swished my wand back and forth lazily. The words Wengardium Leviosa echoed through the room at different times. Ten minutes passed and nobody had succeeded, until...

"Wingardium Leviosa!" Arlert's feather was flying around the classroom. He was standing and smiling as he made it move towards the professor.

"Fantastic Arlert! Another 5 points to Ravenclaw," Ackerman announced. He continued to smile and brought the feather back to him. I finally sat up and inhaled to cast the spell before I heard an explosion and jumped. Jean had attempted the spell and it didn't work. His face was scorched and his feather had turned to ash.

"I think he needs another one," I said and the students chuckled. I was able to lift my feather a foot or two before it fell back on the desk. Several other students had managed to lift it, I just wasn't one of them.


During dinner, Connie and I had some fun with the levitating charm. We were trying it on utensils and on an apple I cut into slices.

"You're not allowed to use magic in the Great Hall." I looked up and I saw Eren Jaeger.

"Then why isn't anyone stopping us? The staff don't seem to care," I replied.

"You haven't exactly harnessed control over your magic yet. It's dangerous for first years to attempt magic, especially after one day of classes."

"The prefects would have gotten to us much faster than you," Connie said.

"While it isn't exactly a rule, you just don't do it. The Gryffindor table is right next to yours, and I don't want you firing an unknown spell my way."

"What's the worst that can happen?" I asked. He put one hand on his hip and the other on his chin.

"Uh... Detention for both of you, and losing house points in your case."

"You're not allowed to do that. You're in the same year as us."

"Yes, but I already told you, my dad is the DA teacher, and my mum teaches Herbology," He said. "My half brother is also your prefect as I'm sure you already know."

"That doesn't mean you run this place," Connie said.

"I still will report rule breaking as soon as I hear about it. So I suggest you put your wands away and eat." He turned his heel and walked back to the Gryffindor table. "Also, get a pair of scissors." My jaw dropped and I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Well, that was childish," I said.

"I think he's just mad he isn't in Slytherin. Don't take it personally," Connie replied and put his wand away.

"He just insulted me for no reason. I do have a pair of scissors and I cut my hair when I need to." I touched my hair and noticed that it was halfway down my shoulders. "Okay well.... Maybe I should tonight..."

"Maybe he's jealous that you were the first to cast it correctly?"

"Or maybe he's just a git." I picked up my fork and knife and started eating again. I glared over to the Gryffindor table. This Jaeger guy is going to be a serious problem.

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