Three days || Masrur x reader

Start from the beginning

(Y/n) wasn't quite paying attention to her surroundings, it meant she had not noticed the little shard of glass that was laying on the ground, and that resulted in the sole of her foot recklessly colliding with the sharp object, slicing a deep long cut across the sole of her foot, a bolt of serve pain shot through (Y/n)'s body like a lightning bolt, or a bitch slap, both very valid comparisons, and a short breathed gasp erupted from (Y/n)'s throat, luckily drowned out by the loud music. (Y/n) gritted her teeth together in a desperate attempt to not allow a yelp of pain or any noise for that matter escape her, the (h/c) girl couldn't afford to mess up now, she wouldn't ever get the courage to get back on the stage, and she was the lead dancer with the whole of Sindria watching. but, much to (Y/n)'s luck, the dance was finally subsiding, as the group of dancers made a final pose afterwards bowing to the crowd that erupted in cheers, the dancers began exiting off the stage, (Y/n) hurriedly rushed off, disappearing from the public's eye the (h/c) girl made to the forest, heading towards a small clearing with a crystal clear river where she'd be able to clean and treat her aching foot. Dipping her hands into the cold, fresh water was a refreshing feeling, and with her teeth clenched, she dipped her injured foot into the clear river stream, holding back a yelp of pain thanks to the stinging that was pulsing from her foot, flowing through her body relentlessly, the cut was deep, and sure to leave her limping for a week. And due to the fact she was treating a painful injury and wasn't paying attention to her surroundings, she failed to notice the fanalis approach her from behind.

"(Y/n)?" A deep voice that was unmistakably Masrur sounded behind the (h/c) girl, who let out a shocked 'Eep!' As she was startled by the fanalis' sudden appearance, her head whipped around to face the fanalis male, who was dressed in his more casual clothing. A light blush coating her cheeks in embarrassment to be find in such a revealing outfit, a dancers outfit to be exact.

"H-how did you find me?!" (Y/n) choked out, Masrur's gaze trailed down to the wound on the (h/c) girls foot, before he kneeled down beside her and spoke.

"I could tell from your scent," The fanalis said bluntly, (Y/n) mentally slapped herself, 'of course Masrur would know it was her, damn fanalis' and their great sense of smell!' (Y/n) yelled at herself in her head, "but you also left a trail of blood." (Y/n) felt her blush redden, 'from this day forward, I've realised how idiotic I can be..'

"S-sorry.." (Y/n) mumbled bashfully, Masrur shook his head lightly, a blank stare on his face as he replied.

"Don't be." And so without anything else to be said, Masrur leaned forward his face getting uncomfortably close to a certain (h/c) woman's, (y/n) felt blood rush to her face, but instead Masrur gently clasped (Y/n)'s injured foot in his large hands, as he tore a small stripe of white cloth from his clothing, "you should be more careful next time." The fanalis mumbled as he wrapped the cloth around (Y/n)'s foot, the (h/c) woman squeaked a 's-sorry!' As the male fanalis wrapped his arms around her smaller frame, picking her up and holding her bridal style, and before (Y/n) could protest, he interjected, "you can't walk all the way to your room, your injured." And with that, Masrur began off to the palace, with you in his arms, (Y/n) chose not to struggle or protest, in fact, the (h/c) female rather enjoyed the warmth she was receiving from the fanalis' body, and how secure his arms were wrapped around her own body. And so, with thinking about her actions, (Y/n) leaned closer to him, her head resting on Masrur's chest as she listened to his calming steady heartbeat.

After a little walking, Masrur suddenly spoke up out of nowhere; "You should dance more often." (Y/n) turned her head up, a quizzical look on the (h/c) girls face, her eyes shining with curiosity at why the usually silent man had spoken. "Without a mask." He added, not meeting your gaze, instead keeping his eyes trained ahead.

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