"You left me alone by the caw and now I don't like you," I say crossing my arms in front of me again, the frown growing deeper on my features as I stared down at the floor between us.

"I'm sorry. I'll get you ice cream as an apology, how about that?" He says with a reassuring glint in his eyes, my head snapping to him with a very excited smile, but my face falls again when I remember that mama wouldn't like that.

"But, mama will be really mad," I mutter, his eyes widening slightly before he gave me a small smile in return, "We'll take her with us there so she won't be, let's go home?" He suggests with a smile and I nod, my eyes already drooping at the mention of the long drive.


Back home during dinner...

"Mama!" I call out to her, my voice breaking her out of her conversation with papa, her eyes flitting to me as she swallowed the spoonful of meat and rice in her mouth.

"Yes, baby?" She asks with a soft smile, her eyes holding love as she waited for me to ask her whatever I was that I wanted, I had only now remembered Sally's proposal of me going to hers for a few hours so we can play.

"Sally asked papa if I can go to hers tomorrow after I woke up, can I, please?" I ask with puppy dog eyes, her eyebrows furrowing in thought as she turned over to papa with curious eyes.

"Did you meet her mother?" She asked with a knowing glint in her eyes, giving my father a look that was like a silent message to him, his eyes widening slightly in realization before he nodded.

"Yes, I did, she's Asher's wife," He mutters lightly his gaze flitting to me briefly before going back to mama's face.

"But, dear," Mama turns back to me with gentle eyes, her eyes looking at me with understanding, "Don't you have homework? You can't go play when you that much homework on your hands,"

"Em, let the girl live a little," My father smiles, sending me a cheeky wink as he catches mama's attention, "Just because she has homework doesn't mean that she can't have some fun every now and then, plus, she's been doing her homework regularly for the past two weeks, I'm sure the teacher wouldn't mind that much if she doesn't do it, once," My father explained but mama only have him a look that almost immediately shut him up, arms crossed over his chest as he huffed childishly.

"Mama, why don't I do my homewoik with hew? She'd really like that and I would be able to have fun while still doing what was asked of me, hei mothei can help us too!" My proposal seemed to have caught my mother's interest and she ponders over it as she chews slowly on her food.

"That is a very nice idea, " She mutters under her breath, looking at my father who was pouting at her like a baby, his eyes wide in a puppy-eyed look that made her raise her eyebrows.

"Please, Em?" He pouts harder at her, the electric blue eyes of my mother shining with mirth and clear love and adoration for the person before her. She leans over and places a brief peck on his lip, making me squeal and cover my eyes in shock.

"Mama!" I shout in embarrassment, my face most likely the color of bright red tomatoes.

My outburst was apparently very amusing as both my parents laugh out loud, their voices mixing into a beautiful melody that warmed my heart.

"C'mere you," My father laughs and reaches over to pick me up from my seat, a squeal and a loud giggle escaping past my lips as he gives me a kiss on the cheek.

"When do you want to go there tomorrow?" Mama asks with as she reaches over to retrieve my plate and fills the spoon, holding it to my mouth as I open it wide, my teeth lodging onto it as I chew on the delicious spoon full.

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