28. How we get to peace

Start from the beginning

"I don't want to go play. I want to help you guys."

Uncle Bruce chuckles a bit.

"What?" I ask him. "What's so funny?"

"You two are," Bruce smiles a bit "very similar."

I look at dad, who looks at me as well. I smile as innocent as I can, making dad laugh a bit before dropping a formula they figured out in front of me to solve.

I quickly eat my breakfast while starting on the formula, and about an hour later I'm standing next to a huge glass plate which I use as a sort of chalk board, but a little different. I eventually have to use two, and a few boxes so I can reach the top. But I figured it out. I think...

"I think I got it dad!" I call out. He comes over after a few seconds and looks at it for a while. He starts to type some things on his tablet, the same one I have, and when he clicks activate simulation it actually works.

"Give me five" Dad says, holding up his hand. I quickly hit my hand against his. I smile happily at the board before dad lifts me off the bunch of boxes.

"Now go get dressed. Take a break smalls. I don't want to see you in here the next three hours."

I squint my eyes at him for a second. He keeps his face serious. He really means it.

"Two?" I ask hopefully.

"This is not up for debate, Nova. Now skedaddle before I make it four."

I sigh extremely, unnecessary long. But dad doesn't say anything. I take off his jacket that I got because I was cold in my thin pajama shirt. I give it back to him before slowly making my way out of the lab. Dad just keeps looking at me until I'm completely outside.

I quickly run off and get dressed. I run a hairbrush through my messy curls and head back to the lab. I sit down next to the glass wall separating the lab from the rest of the floor. I take out my tablet at take a bunch of pictures of the many papers on the floor. I zoom in on them so I can read what's on them and get to work right outside the lab. I've been working on one thing for about half an hour when I suddenly feel someone pull me up. I quickly kick around me before I look back and see it's dad.

"I think I told you I didn't want to see you here for three hours. It's barely been one." He states a little mad. "Nova I appreciate the help but you can't work all day long. Go watch tv or something."

"I think you told me you didn't want to see me IN there. You didn't. I wasn't IN there I'm out here." I say angrily before dropping my head back on his shoulder because he's still holding me up against him.

He lets out a sigh before asking: "you're kidding right?"

"Nope" I say, popping the P. He chuckles a bit. "You know what I mean. Get outa here squirt." He says placing me down. I sigh a little and slowly walk away.

I get downstairs and help make dinner for everyone that's around. We sometimes do that. If someone has time they just cook something and we all eat together. It's loads of fun. Maria and I are making small pizzas.

"Do you know if your dad has any of these left?" She asks after a while, holding up a little device.

I shake my head. "I'm not sure. I'll ask in about an hour. He won't let me in the lab before then."

I continue making the pizza dough while she gives me a funny look. "Alright, What did you do?" She asks.

I look at my dough for a second before sighing and dropping it in exaggeration. I look up before turning to her. "I was trying to help with this thing they're doing with the scepter. But dad says I can't work with them all day." I sigh once again while Maria just chuckles a little.

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