"I will be fine. Trust me," I lightly kissed his cheek, surprising him enough that I could get out of his grasp. I ran towards the newborns "Just get Maria outta here Xavier, if they do not know where she is they can't kill her. Garth and I will take care of the newborns!"

"There must be twenty after us, Clara this is not your fight!" He scoffed.

"It might as well be, if they know what would happen to them. Then they've probably figured out that it would be I who would kill them! We may be able to have assistance from Garth's regiment. Some of them are older than a year, we've gained their trust." I again turned, not looking back towards the pair.

The battle was long, and stretched almost a day. Garth did call out his men and women after it became apparent that we were no match compared to the young vampires, their own blood still fresh in their veins. Although those that followed Garth were not trained as hardily as the common soldiers, some possessed special abilities that roughly equaled them to the strength and power of the newborns.

Garth's own mate Delila, had an amazing scream which possesed enough power to seriously injure newborns who were within a short range of her incredible wail. She stood back-to-back with Garth, it was amazing to watch them as a team. She would scream and any newborn able to withstand her attack would have to battle a moving mountain.

Eventually there was few enough of the newborns left that they began to retreat, running from our sight with there enhanced speed "Should we go after them?" Delila asked, ironically her voice was sweet as sugar and creamy like milk -that is unless she was using her ability of course. Her wildly curly, cotton white hair had fallen loosely out of place. She often joked that being a vampire hadn't made her any paler, or her eyes any redder, since in life she was indeed albino.

"Don't bother sending you're men out. They've done enough here, I have sent some of my own troops to finish the newborns off." Xavier said, he sounded relieved. It occurred to me then just what we had done, charging into an armada that could've -if a better controlled force- have obliterated us.

I had been busy after the battle. My vampire ability had come late, months after I had been turned, but had become more and more useful towards the army since it's appearance. I could heal, more so than just what a normal vampire could, and I could use this ability on others. Hair -for example- could never grow back once torn or cut from a vampire but using my ability I could grow mine, or someone else back. This was a favored trick for some of the women of the army.

I could also help people grow back limbs from scratch that had been burned of completely destroyed, while normal vampires could only reattached their limbs like a bunch of dolls. I spent long hours after the fight with some of the remaining loyal newborns healing the members of the army that served Garth.

"Xavier, where is Maria?" I asked, looking behind Xavier as if she could pop out behind him like a child or a jack-in-the-box.

Xavier placed a hand on my shoulder, trying to calm me and stop my frantic actions. Maria had become like a sister, and even after Jasper and she began to feud over the power of the coven I could choose neither side. Then when Jasper disappeared without saying anything for the second major time in my life, I thought it best to consider my brother dead.

 Maria was the closest thing I had to family "She's in town, convinced that she can't return to the coven. She asked us to see her, you specifically Clara." I took in a deep, rigid breath. We had just discovered my special ability months ago. My control was shaky at best, but I knew what she was expecting.

Our small group followed Xavier through town until we came to a large, old building. It was stone and was once painted. The white paint was now chipping off, falling like snow ever so slowly to the ground. The most un-beautiful snow in the world. We walked under the paint, into the building's main entrance. It was clearly someones home once, many years ago.

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