Chapter 28 - Me, Wrong?

Start from the beginning

"Yea- Yeah. Inside the Samuroid head, it was buzzing, then I found that thing inside!" he explained.

"He's been watching us for weeks!" Barry pressed. Come on Bare, just leave the guy alone.

"I could've proved it but his wife came back to soon." The room went dead silent.

"WHAT?!" I exclaimed, "You broke into their house?!" Dude! What the hell. At first, I thought he would get over that it was Clifford DeVoe, but apparently not. He's obsessed.

"Barry, please don't tell you broke into their house," Iris repeated in a more calm tone.

Barry looked down to his feet, "Well-" Everyone in the room groaned and I shook my head. "No! Okay, that sounds bad but you have to listen to me, this guy wants us to think he's unassuming and weak, but he's not! He's powerful and smart! He's been ahead of us every step of the way. He's ahead of us right now!" Barry defended.

"Easy Allen, calm down," Harry soothed.

"I'm fine."

"Okay," Cisco started.


"We just don't want you to do anything else you'll regret," he finished.

"Anything else? What do you mean? What have a done?" He responded innocently.

"Let's start with breaking and entering," I stated.

"Oh my god! I don't understand why you don't see what's going on! He probably has cameras everywhere, in the lab, at CCPD, I mean he's always watching us!" Barry argued. A phone started buzzing and he picked up.

"Hey Joe what is it?" he asked. Barry listened then said, "I'll be right over," he hung up and told us that he had to go.

When he left the room I let out a heavy sigh. "That was rough."


A day past and I still hadn't heard from the rest of team flash, so I figured I might have the day off today. Unfortunately I couldn't just stay at home a lounge around, I had to go to CCPD to finalize the paperwork for the internship.

I smiled and remembered the events that unfolded the last time I was here. One of the first times I pushed the extent of my powers. Now, two times a week I have to train with Dibny down in that wonderful room. To be fair, I'm kinda glad he decided to. Until I tell the rest of the crew what I can do my only source of ability growth will be through him. And to be honest, how I will end up telling them will probably relate to stopping a big bad or saving a life. When I do that I wanna be ready.

The doors to the elevator up to CCPD opened and I stepped through into the lobby. As per usual it was full of working and chatting police officers and I was greeted several times, and occasionally asked what the hell I was doing there. One showed me the way to Captain Singh's office.

We walked through a room that held the communication response team and that had televisions spread throughout that were all set to various news stations.

The officer opened the door to the captain's office and I stepped through and sheepishly smiled.

"Hey, um, sir... do you remember me?" I stuttered out and fidgeted with the handle of my bag.

End Of The Line // Ralph DibnyWhere stories live. Discover now