“Wait what? You didn’t tell me that.”

“I know I wanted to mow over it for a while, I could get into any school out there that I wanted, and then I would be with Pete. Callie I love him, but I honestly I can’t be with him.”

“Nonnie, this isn’t like you to chicken out.”

“I’m in the hospital.” I said as if that explained everything, “Can you send in Pete now?”

“Yeah are you sure?” I nodded, and she got up and left the room. Three minutes later Pete came into the room. He came over to the bed and peppered my face with kisses, then pulled me into his arms as he climbed into the bed next to me.


“Can we just sit here for a few minutes.” he took a deep breath. “I don’t know what I would have done if you hadn’t woken up.” He kissed the bandage on my head.

“Pete need to talk to you.”

“Talk to me, I just…”

“Pete, I’m can’t go to LA with you,”


“It’s…its over, I can’t do this anymore. I thought I could handle it but I was wrong,” I rushed to say this cause I didn’t want to chicken out.

“Handle what?” he was getting mad.

“Pete one of your fans hit me upside the head for going on a date with you. I can’t do this.” he got out of the bed and stood over me.

“Non we can hire some extra security…”

“Then what I never get a minute to myself and when I do I’m paranoid. No I won’t do that.”

“So you’re just going to give this up,” he said motioning between is. “After all the stuff we went through your going…” he stopped and stormed out of the room.

“Pete!” I yelled, I wanted to tell him that I’d hoped that we could still be friends. Callie came back into the room.

“Non are…”

“Don’t ask me if I’m sure.” I said as tears started to fall from my eyes. I knew that if he had walked back into this room right this moment and kissed me, I would have given in and said we could try again. She wrapped her arms around me much like I did the day after she and Travis broke up and let me cry on her shoulder.

Chapter 46


It had been about a week, since Nonnie's accident. In one more week the tour would be over and the week after that Non and I would be leaving for college. I honestly didn't know if I could go back to living in the real world after this, but I had no choice but to figure it out. For the past week Non and I had both moved back into the GCH bus much to Gabe's displeasure; but Non had to move out of Pete's bus after the break up and we had both decided to end this tour the way we started. In reality, we both knew that too much had happened over the summer for that to happen.

No matter how much I tried, Non wouldn't relaly leave the bus except to do merch. I, on the otherhand, didn't stay on the bus much at all. It was too claustrophobic. I still hadn't made a decision, and by now I was tryng my hardest to just ignore it but Gabe and Trav wouldn't have it. We were near the end of the tour and they were demanding an answer. So to stave off having to make one, I avoided them both to the best of my ability. "You can't avoid them both for a whole 'nother week Cal," said Victoria exasperated.

"I know, but I'm no closer to knowing what to do than I was weeks ago."

"Just make a decision. Draw straws, do eenie-meenie-miney-mo or something just pick."

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