Chapter 19

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It was a Saturday afternoon, exactly one week since Kurt and Blaine had started dating. Blaine had decided it would be cute for him to text Kurt at exactly 12:01am saying 'Happy 1 week anniversary!'.

Kurt couldn't help but keep the grin off of his face. But was also slightly pissed that he had been woken up from his beauty sleep. But still, it was cute.

He was casually scrolling through instagram, liking any new pics by Idina Menzel when Finn suddenly burst into his room.

"Finn what the hell!"

"I'm sorry little bro, but it's eating me away from the inside. You have to tell Burt that you and Blaine are dating. I. nearly told them and I ended up getting the birds and the bees talk. Please, for the love of god, go." Finn somehow managed to ramble out all in one breath.

Oh, yeah.

He'd have to tell his dad.

Burt was possibly the most important figure in Kurt's life (other than Blaine and his mom of course) and his opinion meant everything to him.

So he would have to tell him about Blaine.

Kurt reluctantly slipped out of his bed before slumping down the stairs groggily. He really was not in the mood to do this right now. But thanks to Finn and his blabbermouth, he was going to have to tell.

"Hey Kid, what's up?" Burt asked, sitting up a bit on the couch.

"Is Carole here? I kinda need to talk to both of you."

"Kurt, are you being bullied again. 'Cause i swear to god we will move to Wester-"

"Dad, don't worry. If anything it's the opposite."

Carole walked in from the kitchen. "Kurt honey did you wanna talk?"

"Umm yeah so. Dad, you're probably not going to be very happy about this-"


"Dad let me finish. So anyway, umm, imkindadatingthisguycalledBlainewhojustmovedfromdalton." Kurt gasped out.

"He's not like Adam is he?" Burt murmured, seeming as though he was about to explode.

"WHAT! No, no dad Blaine is almost the opposite of Adam. We've already been on a couple dates, so I just thought that you should both know."

"Well, as long as you're happy kid, i'm happy. But if he breaks your heart, tell hin to pay a visit and I'll get my shotgun ready."

"Trust me. He won't"

Because i'm all he's got. Kurt thought before running back upstairs to text Santana, Quinn and definitely call Blaine. He started by texting the girls.

Kurt: Uhh I just told my dad about Blaine and I.

It took both girls about 30 seconds to respond. They were always on the phones.

Snixx: Seriously?

Fabray: Omg! What did he think?

Kurt: Well, he said it's fine as long as i'm happy. :-)

Snixx: I wish my abuela was like that. Lucky Porcelain :-(

Only Kurt, Quinn and Sam knew that Santana was gay. Sam agreed to be her beard if she got him closer to Quinn (but obviously, Q doesn't know this).

Kurt said his goodbyes to the girls before locking his door (so Finn couldn't barge in again) and calling Blaine.

He picked up on the second ring.

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