Chapter 18

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The whole room was silent. Kurt didn't know what they were more shocked about. The fact that Blaine's gay, or that him and Blaine were dating.

Tina ran out of the room, either crying or angry, no one could really tell.

An awkward silence spread across the room until:

"SAM YOU OWE ME 15 DOLLARS, PAY UP BITCH!" Finn shouted from his chair next to Rachel.

At this point, Will had given up with 'language warnings'.

People started talking and in some cases, giving money to others. Kurt quickly dragged Blaine out into the corridor, hoping no one had noticed and Tina had gone to the bathroom or something.

"Blaine what's wrong? As soon as Tina ran out you looked devastated."

"I feel like it's all my fault. I feel bad for turning her down, and she clearly put so much thought and effort into her proposal. Obviously she didn't know that I was gay, but I still feel like an absolute dick. I should apologise -" Blaine stood up, about to head to the bathrooms before Kurt grabbed his hand.

"Blaine, you can't apologise for being yourself. If anything, she should be apologising to you! She clearly was being selfish and only thinking about how she didn't want to be lonely and unpopular. Also, it was so rude of her for storming out when you did something that takes so much courage to do."

"But i feel like if I am myself, I'm going start hurting others even more than I did before."

"Blaine. Breathe. Courage."

Courage, Blaine thought, remember that Blaine. Courage. You just came out to all of your friends, and 90% of them accepted you.

"This is why you are so amazing. You always know just what to say when I need it most." Blaine gave Kurt a quick peck before trying to stalk into the choir room without anyone questioning them. However, they didn't go unnoticed by Santana.

"YO, PORCELAIN, HOMO HOBBIT, STOP IT WITH ALL THE LOVEY DOVEY TALK. WE ALL HEARD IT FROM OUTSIDE!" Santana's voice boomed across the room through her cupped hands.

By this point both Kurt and Blaine were bright red whilst the rest of the club started to laugh.

"Okay, I guess we should carry on," Will said laughing.

"Umm Mr Schue, I'm just gonna see if Tina is ready to come back. Sorry Blaine." Sam said, adding a smirk at the end.

"It's fine." Blaine said, putting his arm around Kurt's chair.

Kurt leaned into his side, ignoring Finn's glare at him and Blaine (it was mostly at Blaine, but partially at Kurt for not telling him that him and Blaine were dating).

Sam ran around the whole school until he heard the faint sobs coming from one of the french classrooms.

As he walked into the room, Sam realised he had absolutely no clue what he was going to say. IT WAS TINA. THE GIRL CRIED AT EVERYTHING. HOW WAS THIS TIME DIFFERENT.

"Hey. Tina. You okay?" Sam said calmly, sitting next to her on the floor.

"Do I fucking look okay Sam? I just embarassed myself in front of the entire glee club."

"Tina, we all get embarassed. But I think you really hurt Blaine."

"Why? I didn't do anything to hurt him. If anything, he was the one who hurt me!"

"Tina, Blaine just came out to us. We are the first people in the whole school that he's told. And I don't think you getting angry and storming out the room was the reaction he hoped for!" Sam said, progressively getting louder.

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