Little Usual Crisis

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Previously on "Eternal Curse", after having transferred the spirit of Hollow in the rock of Veliano, the Mikealson were finally togheter. After a few conversations of courtesy, Kamelia and Candelaria are outputs of the Mikealson's mansion to get back home. ---------------------------------------------------------
Cande screamed so loud as if she saw ghost but she saw a wolf, actually. Not that incredible... We are in New Orleans.
The animal left as fast as it cames. Then, some witches came and caught my sister. I fought in vain to set free Candelria but it was too late... they have taken her away, and then ... black hole. I woke up in a large room with a decoration quite old but still nice. As I'm old as hell, I like old things like me. My beauty is immortal though. And this is a bless to people's eyes. (Actually... I can literally burn someone only by looking at this person's eyes so... Not that cool... For them).

For a second, I forgot what happened. I thought that everything was a dream...A nightmare actually. But it was real. The pain was there. It never left. I'm still that stubborn immortal witch and my sister is still the one that suffers the most because of me. Everything bad ever happened is because of me. I must be cursed... Or am I the curse ? The eternal curse that follows me since forever... It's me. Closer than my shadow. Closer than my clothes. As close as my soul is... I'm the curse...

I looked at my left, I live Klaus sitting on a chair, looking at me. Probably wanting me to wake up. I mean, it would be creepy if he was staring me for no reason. But after all, Klaus and his family are all creeps. I wouldn't be shocked if I see them doing sacrifices for Lucifer. Not that I'm not weird, I am as well. But their high level of weirdness can't be compared to anyone on Earth. Probably even the whole Universe. Also, the multi-universe as well... Wait, I'm lost. Why do I talk about the multi-universe theory ?

-You finally woke up. Said Klaus as if it wasn't logical.

-Nah... My eyes are open because I became a zombie and I'd eat your brain if you had one but... Lucky you !

-I need to call those witches to make you fall asleep again. You're way more attractive when you shut up.

-All I heard was that I'm attractive.

After all, no one can deny this fact.


-Calm down, little bird. Elijah and Kol are looking for your precious little sister.

-Klaus, you really don't know about women, do you ? Never ever ever tell a woman to calm down because, guess what ?! She would do anything but calm down.

-Noted, Princess Kamelia. He said, smiling.

The hell, could he just stop smiling, I feel uncomfortable. He almost looks happy around me. I'm insulting my serial killer wicked side and all the other psychopaths of Earth by making someone smiling this way. Shame on me and my angelic face that makes men want to sin. As Lucifer a fallen angel but comparing to him, my nails look fresh and my highlighter is brighter than Elvis Presley's teeth.
Wait, how did we get from Klaus saying ironic cheesy stuff to Elvis ? I really need a secretary in my brain. 10 centuries of memories and thoughts. Thank God I didn't lose my head ; it is still on my shoulders. (French expression that doesn't make sense in English as if we had really our heads on our shoulders, we would look like a saumo).

-First of all, shut up. Second of all, I want my sister back and waiting for two blood drinker gentlemen to find my 5 liters of blood's sister is a really bad idea.

-Elijah and Kol would never drink Candelaria's blood ; she's old and we, vampires, love fresh brand new blood.

-So according to your theory, you would drink babies' blood ?!

-Well... We have to do what we have to do to survive.

He must be kidding me. Babies are way too pure. They are not attracted by the bad. Just attracted by MY STUFF, MY BAGS, MY CLOTHES, MY HAIR, MY PHONE. WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH KIDS ? BE AN ADULT, WORK AND GET YOURSELF A PHONE. 
Okay I'm getting way too emotional. Starting to cry. S.O.S I was doing a little usual crisis.
The floor was shaking, the wind was violent. My eyes were getting blue. Light blue. And I knew I was losing control but I kinda like it. This part of me...Dark wild and hazardous. It scares me sometimes... To know that I can do something that I can not control. But at the same time, it sets me free to stop calculating every move I do.
Tears, shakes and super powers getting crazy... What can I say ? Here we go again...
Let's just hope I don't kill a whole town... again. It was funny, though...

To be continued...

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⏰ Última atualização: Nov 07, 2018 ⏰

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