New Start

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It's been 10 centuries since I lived without her. I saw nations being born and falling. I saw kingdoms burned, flooded, completely destroyed. I have survived hundreds of wars. I saw the cruelty of man and his thirst for power and revenge. I survived everything except the loss of my sister, Candelaria. I admit it, I miss her. And every night I remember the promise I made her; to bring her back to life. Before her death, she told me in a trembling voice: "Everything's gonna be alright, sister, the sun will always rise." Pretty funny this sentence full of optimism "Everything's gonna be alright." People know that everything is going badly, but they will always find a way to slip this sentence almost everywhere. But even when the sun is shining, I see only darkness. And I can't even die to ease my suffering. I am so condemned to exist eternity without even taking a liking to the life.

I have accumulated enemies and mistakes but no one will ever understand that all I've done was to survive.
I was different, I was a prodigy witch. I grew up in a family ... Quite special. My father, Danalar Veliano was very dangerous. My mother, Karolina, was sweet but still subject to my father. She made a lot of sacrifices for her children. My older brother, Dalen, was a leader. He was confident and he took magic too seriously. My second brother, Johorran, was cold, bloody and heartless. He hated me because of our sister, Madenia, his favorite. She had no magic power and so she was jealous of me. Johorran and Madenia tortured me as soon as they had the opportunity. The fourth of the Veliano siblings was Rydag. He was protective and funny but unfortunately Madenia handled it. He was too naive, I could not blame him, it's his nature. The youngest, Candelaria, was fragile and innocent. She was the only one who didn't give me up. I am very far from having an easy past. To tell the truth, I didn't imagine living so many centuries.

But this time, it's decided. I took a new start. I enrolled in a new university in New Orleans. I mean... I hypnotized the headmaster but no matter it's equivalent to the same. I'm immortal, I have an eternity in front of me by being able to cast spells, hypnotize, teleport me.
I took the option of literature although I like science a lot, I thought that a little change will not hurt. And here is finally THE day. I'm back to school.. I've lived this experience at least a million times. Since I am forced to move and change my identity in order to avoid raising suspicions about my eternal youth. But this time, I decided to take my real first name and last name. I prepared myself at my ease. I hate running a race with the time. The university looked so big from the outside. According to my timetable, I have class in room 28b. I was late.

-Hello miss, you're late. Awakening that did not sound, I presume?
-‎Hello, I ... uh ... Sorry ... I couldn't find the class.
-‎Be more original next time. Sit down.

Me ? Not original, I heard correctly? I would be happy to shred every inch of her body and then serve it as a barbecue to all her family. She will see if I will not be original that day. Well, zen Kamelia, stay zen. I sat next to a dark-haired boy with glasses. I have already seen it in the neighborhood of my host family. Suddenly, the ancestors still entered my mind to bully me to destroy the parallel world I created for Tommy McField and Sofya ; The Luna Sanguinaria. I don't even know how to do it and even if I knew it, I will not do it. Those idiots are the reason for my sister's suicide. Tommy used Candelaria to save his girlfriend Sofya. Well, okay, Sofya did nothing but to imagine her burning in front of her boyfriend makes me feel good. When suddenly, unconsciously, I got up shouting that it was not my fault for the existence of the Luna Sanguinaria. A few minutes later, I saw all eyes on me. The other students are completely shocked or just laughing. My classmate, Jack Parker was scrutinizing me from the top to the bottom.  At the end of class, I walked back home. Jack followed me and I wondered why. We ended up side by side.

-So, are you new to the neighborhood ? Asked Jack.
-Yes I just moved here and you ?
-I live here since I'm young, we are neighbors.
-Oh, great.
-‎What's your name ?
- ‎Kamelia and you ?
-Jack Parker. So, why were you screaming about the Luna Sanguinaria in the classroom ?
-I ... Uh ... I'm a big fan of ... Uh ... mythology, that's all. Said I hesitantly.

I've never been good at lying, but luckily I'm a witch, then, I hypnotized him for he forgot about this conversation but I felt that it had not worked like with the others. I felt somthing like a stop but after all  it can be my imagination (although I am never ever wrong).

After this strange meeting, I decided to go home.
The house of my host family is quite spacious. My host family are of Kate and Jones Quinn. They are quite open minded. I have a curfew pretty soon but whatever, I can hypnotize them as I please. But I will never hurt them. They can't have children, they are steriles. They love me as their daughter. I finally felt the sweetness of a mother thanks to Kate and the feeling of being safe in the arms of a father, thanks to Jones. For the first time in centuries, I could live a real family life. Although I knew it was only short term.

In my room, nothing is special, it's just a normal teenage room for all to see because my magic items, grimoires and others are hidden on the floor with protective spells. I wrote several grimoires and then others, it's just some grimoires kept by my family, the Veliano family. But unfortunately, they hate me because according to the ancestors I am cursed. In fact, I used forbidden magic in my family. After the death of Candelaria, the congregation Veliano banished me thinking it was my curse while it is the fault of these idiots Tommy and Sofya. But in order to hide the absence of these idiots, I accused the vampires and since that, they hate me too. I have accumulated the enemies, I know.
I was young, I did not know how to act in the face of so many upheavals in my life.

I was doing some research on the powerful witches of New Orleans when all of a sudden I remember that the sister of the original vampires, Freya was here. I knew where she lived and why the originals separated. After all, such a powerful witch could help me with the Candelaria resucitation. I can't make the spell last, because after a few hours she dies again. In exchange, I will help him to unite her brothers. I'm sure a spell has been hanging around for ages in one of Esther's grimoires, the mother of the Originals.

After, I fell asleep. It was 08:05 and I still havn't prepared myself. I was wearing a red dress followed by black heels.
I put on my makeup but only slightly. Makeup has existed for centuries, and I have never understood humans when their uses of makeup are excessive. To hide his charm and his true self to show a coarsely painted matte is really absurd to me.

I then made a spell to get directly to the university. I had my rude teacher again in the morning and I was late again.

-Hello misses Veliano. You are late, again Don't make your lack of punctuality a habit. Can you give me a little more original reason this time ?
-‎Hello. Uh, I didn't know what to wear.

I am rather indecisive in my genre, I never know what I want, I just know what I don't want. And fashion question, we do not mess with me ; as long as I haven't found the ideal look to dress, I don't go out. I'm not superficial, I just like to find myself pretty in front of the mirror.

-We are in the literature classroom. Not in a fashion classroom. Said my teacher with a cold tone.
-‎Oh yes ? Honestly, judging by your look, you need fashion classes. I will give you if you wish. I said with a hypocritical air.

The class began to chuckle. I sat in the same place as yesterday before she ordered me. I can't bear being given orders and even less so when I was going to do the action in question. This Misses Brigz staring at me all through the class. Well I admit to being slightly nasty with her but after all, she sought him. After class, I decided to go to see Freya Mikaelson. In a snap of my fingers and here I am in front of the gigantic house of the Mikaelson. I rang the bell and she opened me immediately.

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