Albert Mondego

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The Count and I are sitting on the North patio of his lovely home, having a very nice lunch. With no one but Jacopo to watch us. I am very careful not to eat too much or too fast. The Count eats very little as he speaks to me, "tell me, my dear, can you read?"

I nod, "yes, I can."

"Can you write as well?"


"So you were raised in a high-class family?"

I shake my head, "no, but my mother thought it was only right that a young lady learns to read and write."

"But this wouldn't be practiced in a low-class family, so I have to assume you were at least in an upper-middle-class family."

"I suppose so."

"Do you have any other skills? Do you play an instrument or paint?"

"I can play a bit of piano."

"Really?" The Count raises an eyebrow, "one comes to question why you were on the streets as a common thief, with the upbringing you must have had. Surely there was someone else in the family for you to live with after your parent's passing."

I shake my head, "no, the only family I have is in England. Even then they are distant cousins."

"And you didn't wish to leave France, did you?" I shake my head, but this is my only response, "tell me, my dear, do you speak any other languages?"

"Yes, I can speak Italian and English, as well." After I moment I look over to the Count, "why is it you hired me?"

The Counts wipes his mouth with a cloth napkin as he looks over to me, "I have hired you to help me get close to Albert Mondego. He is the son of the Count Mondego of Paris. I need you to help me get close to his son so that I may get close to his Father and Mother and with all of your talents and skills, it seems I made the right choice."

"Why do you wish to become close to the Count and Countess Mondego?"

"Don't you worry about that. Just know what you are to woo Albert Mondego."

I nod and take a deep breath, "yes, father."

"Clever girl," the Count smiles, "Jacopo and I will be gone this evening and the two of us will not be back until late tonight. Since this estate is yours as well now, please feel free to explore the grounds to your heart's content. But you must be ready for an early breakfast tomorrow morning, one during which you will meet Albert."

"If the boy already trusts you enough to come to breakfast, why do you need me?" I look over to the Count, who is walking over to Jacopo.

"The boy doesn't trust me. In fact, he has yet to met me, but that will change tonight." The Count walks over and kisses my head, "have a good night, little one." The Count smiles before leaving with Jacopo.

That afternoon, I walk around the estate, learning which room was the Counts, which rooms I'm not allowed to go into, which rooms are the guests' rooms, and which room is the library and which the music room. After about an hour I head outside and explore the grounds, noticing that Justine and Marie are following me as I explore. I walk around the pond and watch the sunset over the estate, before heading inside. Soon after I get inside, I begin getting ready for bed. Justine helping me take down my hair and Marie helping me get out of the corset I'm in. Once the corset is off I take a deep breath and sigh. Once I remove my makeup and jewelry, I dismiss Justine and Marie for the night and crawl into bed. I was right, the bed is as soft as it looked. I glance around the at the golden curtains that are drawn shut, before blowing out the candle next to me on the nightstand and quickly falling asleep.

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