When a good man goes to war...

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Hey, thanks for reading this! It's my first SPN fanfic, so I appreciate any and all feedback. Slight swearing, possible Destiel, and a very hurt Cas and a protective Dean and Sam.

Enjoy, and stay insane lovelies~


Castiel was fighting a huge war in Heaven, fighting against Raphael and his followers. He was backed into a corner, three angels coming towards him, angel blades in hand. He fought the best he could, but he couldn't take on three angels at once. They knocked him over, one stabbing the blade into his shoulder, making him cry out.

He tried to get up, but two of the vicious angels held him down by his arms, preventing him from moving. The angel who stabbed him was standing over Castiels beaten body.

"Now Castiel... Stop fighting us. We want this to end as badly as you do. Don't make me hurt you."

Castiel turned his head to the side, spitting out blood. He glared at the angel standing over him. "Go to hell." He growled.

He simply looked down at Cas as he struggled to get up, but he fell back, panting. He gave his brother a begging look.

But the angel just shrugged before stabbing the angel blade into Castiels stomach, twisting the blade making him cry out, his eyes shut tightly.

He removed the blade from his stomach, leaving a huge gash in his side.

He began slicing and cutting at Castiels wings. While he was slowly mutilating his large, black wings, he dug his hand into the wound he had made on his stomach, digging around, as if he was looking for something. Cas screamed, his True Voice coming out.

He thrashed wildly. He knew what he was doing, he couldn't let him take It. To his horror, the angel began to pull his hand out. His hand was closed around a bright ball of glowing, blue light. Cas's eyes widened in terror.

"No! Brother, please don't!" He begged. The angel torturing him simply said, "I left you enough to fly to one place, and one place only. Use it wisely." Cas whimpered, silently pleading him, praying that he wouldn't do this, that he would spare him.

His heart dropped as the angel pressed his bloody hand to his chest.

He closed his eyes, only hearing the words, "Goodbye, Castiel."

And with that, Cas was pushed out of heaven. He prepared himself to use the last ounce of power to fly to the people he knew he'd be safe with:

Sam and Dean.

Before he teleported, he opened his eyes, letting out a small gasp which wasn't even audible against the sound of rushing wind. Tears gathered at the edge of his vision as he looked at the sky around him.

"Shooting Stars" is what humans called them.

His heart shattered, tears coming out of his blue eyes as he, along with his family, fell to earth.


Hey! I hope you enjoyed this! I appreciate any and all feedback and comments. This was a short chapter, I know, but I will try to update it soon, with longer chapters, hopefully. Thanks for reading!

Stay weird, lovelies~

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