Too Perfect

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Chapter 2

"She shouldn't be forced to submit to a danger like him." Queen Moona protested from in the council room. She sounded terrified by the words others were saying.
I sat silently outside of the doors and listened patiently waiting to be let in.
I had been called to talk to the queen. It had my heart pounding. Every time the Queen requests to see someone its most likely to announce they have found a suitable Keeper for them. Had I finally gotten a Keeper? After so many years of waiting. I was seventeen and still hadn't found a keeper, even though the average age is fifteen and sixteen to have one. I felt so behind, I was top of class. I made sure to be gentle, kind, smart, persuasive. A talent all Nymphs were trained to have. Yet somehow. I was still alone. I wanted to help protect the world. I wanted to stand by someone defending our kingdom. Watching all my friends become chosen hurt even though I was proud of them. I wanted to be the one to walk the path. Was this finally my chance?
"She matches his strengths." A deep rich voice responded. The last time I heard a voice so loud was when I was young at my Sister's Goodbye ceremony.
"We should let her choose." Queen Moona argued and I straightened in my seat hearing footsteps approaching the door.
Giddiness flooded my chest, I was to meet my Keeper soon? Of course I would say yes.
The doors swung open and standing behind them was Queen Moona.
I stood once she entered and she gestured for me to follow with a small wave of the hand.
I rolled my shoulders back and walked gracefully into the room.
a human with a golden crown on his head sat in a chair across from The queen's throne.
He wore such dark clothing like the first human I ever saw, he stared at me and I smiled to be polite.
Now seated Queen Moona looked at me and I sat down.
The tension in the room hardened the air. The human king glared at the Ruler of Nymphs. Their eyes had overwhelming hatred burning through them. Who would crumble first?
"Faya, there's something I must ask you, if you don't want to, you have every right to say no." The queen comforted, her hands on top of each other her hands so beautiful and delicate like every Nymph hands.
While the King had huge sausage fingers with stubby fingernails that looked horribly cared for. He wore golden rings with different jewels on each.
He looked like a grizzly bear with such a scruffy beard and dark brown hungry eyes. A man obsessed with power and control, and by the way he looked at Queen Moona he felt superior.
"What is the question?" I ask glancing back and forth waiting for who would answer first.
"We think we've found you a Keeper." The queen said calmly.
Happiness flooded my chest and I smiled brightly, "Really?"
"There's some problems with this though." She sighed sorrow filling her voice.
The king coughed to gain the attention in the room, "The man who would be your keeper had his last Nymphs die." He said with little emotion.
The whole room froze. Everything slowed down; my heart beat pounding in my ears.
He didn't protect them?
It went against everything I believed of Keeper's. He let her die? Why? Did he not care for her?
Queen Moona spoke in a steady voice, "He's the strongest Keeper in all the kingdoms, but sense this incident he's gone to darker methods which could lead to him becoming a Drouth."
Head pounding, my eyes widened.
A drouth? A soul who has become so evil they transform into a Demon. A dark, terrifying creature. A danger to all who crosses its path. A scare for kids in bedtime stories, a fear for all warriors. A creature of nightmares, able to steal your soul and you're forced to live in never ending fear and terror until someone slays the beast and your soul finally rests.
And if this keeper is as strong as I hear, he would be the most feared Drouth. How could his soul be so corrupt? Such a strong being becoming such a dangerous creature sends an icy chill down my spine.
"He needs a Nymph to persuade him to make the right decisions." The king explained, "You match power ranks. We cannot allow such a strong Keeper to become a Drouth. Not him." With a shake of his head the king looked to me, "Can you understand?"
Hands trembling on my lap, I nodded.
"He's open to having another Nymph," the King encouraged, but it didn't help. Of course, he would want another Nymph. Once the past one's power fades he'll need a new one. The power is much stronger and lasts forever if you keep the Nymph alive, but some don't want to keep up with one. They will secretly keep stealing Nymphs to claim their powers. which only last a short while after they die.
If caught the person would be punished, but how could I trust they would know if he's not a Nymph thief considering he could become a Drouth soon. Wasn't the keeper suppose to be someone to trust?
I was suppose to be like my sister. I did everything right. Why was this happening to me?
My fingers began to clench into their palms
"He'll be coming tomorrow, we will see if you will be a good match. You can give us your answer then." The king offered giving me a look of disgust and power. He had no care for me.
Did this man consider everything that could possibly happen? Were all humans so ridiculous?
But instead of voicing my opinion, I nodded gulping down a lump in my throat.
"People may not realize it, but you will be a hero if you can handle this." Queen Moona smiled at me.
Was that suppose to help? Did she mean if I said no I was a horrible being? Why did I follow all the rules just to end up in this? Why did being good always hurt so much?
I stood up, "I will give you my answer soon." With that, I walked out of the council room with a silence lingering behind me.
The walls in the hallway felt much closer, as if they were closing in on me. Surrounding me.
I took a deep breath. Nothing could hurt me.
I was strong.
Walking down the halls not a noise could be heard coming from anywhere. The steps of a Nymph always light, graceful. Never to stumble.
The blasted rules I followed only to end up in this situation.
The words I was told weighed heavy on my chest...... was This something dangerous or even smart? A soul so close to becoming a monster, what would be the final shove? What would cause this human to fall off the cliff and as he fall tear everything down in his path like a tornado traveling down a village.
Such a dangerous person handling such a fragile life, because even if I deny it, I am not as physically strong as Humans. They are such terrifying beings. Who could kill me. So easy. Would that human king carve his Sword into the queen's chest if he wanted more power? Most likely yes. What stops a human from that madness?
I hurried my steps the words inside my head too terrifying to be alone with like a constant little taunting laugh that wouldn't end or take a breath it was relentless mocking me. Seeing the doors to The Outside a small relief came over me and I slowed myself down as I walked into the flower gardens, children ran around playing together, beautiful young innocent souls laughing and giggling.
There, I felt myself begin to relax. Watching The purest states of life, a young child gallop through the gardens was soothing and comforting. Ones who had no fear of the journey ahead. Who smiled and laughed without a million other thoughts racing through their mind. No need to look to the past nor to the future. They lived in the present. Something I envied without realizing it. I envied younger me.
I only had one wish, and I never saw the flaws in it. It was perfect in my eyes. Not a single thing I wanted to change.
I sat down on a bench, the cool white metal on my hands attempted to calm my racing mind.
It was my choice I could say no. nobody could control my life, but why did I feel so scared?
Was it because, if I had the freedom to make up my mind it meant whatever decision I made all consequences would be my fault? That's something else I envied younger me for, I never had to worry about the consequences of my foolish decisions.
"There you are." A familiar voice spoke softly to me.
Fluttering my eyes in surprise I looked up at Fronon, my friend who I had met only the last year, but it felt like forever. He turned sixteen last month and he's eager to find a keeper as well.
He had such a kind face, brown shaggy hair draped across his forehead and his skin was dusted in freckles. His smile always had cute dimples, something you couldn't help but smile back at.
"I didn't know you were looking for me?" I replied standing up and lightly dusting off my dress, out of habit after working in gardens with my sister while I was a little girl.
Glad Fronon had found me hoping he'd distract me I smiled at him forcing my mind to give him all of my attention.
"How did the meeting go? Did you find your keeper?" He asked curiosity burning in his seaweed green eyes.
And of course. It always comes back around. I had to force myself to think about it, I only had a small amount of time. Yet I still desired to distract myself from everything.
"Possibly yes." I sighed clasping my hands together, "It's honestly something I don't want to speak of at the moment. Can we please change the subject?" I asked shyly. ears burning.
"Oh. alright?" This surprised Fronon, considering we both always fantasized about the day we would be given a keeper.
I nodded my head thankful for him understanding and not prying.
"Do you want to walk?" He asked his hand waving toward the flowery paths.
"Yes, please!" I smiled following him down the snowy colored flower path. My favorite. The flowers were all pastels, soft colored beauty. In faded pinks, light purples, and flawless Whites.
With the colors such a wintery crisp aroma small snow fairies pranced on the petals in little blue balls of light. The magic that radiates from the small creatures is an icy chill their feet like little tips of icicles pressed against your skin when one lands on you. Such innocent creatures awaiting for winter snows to come again and the can roam the crystal white fields.
I had become so lost in my thoughts I had almost forgotten who was with me, but once Fronon began to speak that realization returned, "I finally realized what I really want to do with my life."
I tilted my head to the side, what he always wanted was to be a Nymph Warrior, to be given a Keeper and fight with him.
He turned and smiled at me, "I want to be a traveler and sell Nymph clothing to other lands."
"I thought you wanted to be a Helper to a keeper?" I asked confused.
"I don't want to be dependent upon someone else all my life." He responded with a shrug.
I couldn't understand, all his life he said he wanted to be a Keeper's sword enchanter. Where was this coming from? What did he mean dependent on someone else?
"Where will you go?" I asked watching him out of the corner of my eye. He wore his cheeky smile, but somehow my mouth wasn't responding with the same content happiness as his.
"Everywhere! Explore every crevice of world! See the wonders of the magnificent lands we walk on! Doesn't that sound amazing!?" He laughed with a small skip to his step as his eyes brightened traveling to another world inside his head.
"You could still do that......" I sighed glancing away to hide the sadness that hollowed out my chest. Each minute of this day felt like waves crashing over me as I drowned sinking further and further. All I needed to do was swim to shore, but did I even remember how?
Holding it in I forced myself to smile at him.
"Yes. Living in constant fear. Dragged everywhere, always to fight a new beast." He responded clear annoyance on his face then he laughed, "Could you possibly see someone like me doing such a thing?"
"Your human would protect you-" I cut myself off and stood still staring at the pathway with a sickening feeling in my stomach. The human for me let his Nymph die. Did he kill her? How did she die? Why was no one telling me?
With such haunting thoughts I didn't notice Fronon had appeared in front of me and he smiled tilting his head only inches away from my face, "Hey, what's bothering you? You don't usually act this way." So close to him, my eyes fluttered in surprise, I didn't notice how much older he looked. Just a year and he had already begun to look like a man. He had chosen a path different from others. Keeping his smile no matter what.
I was truly happy for him, so why did it hurt so bad?
"I just am a little scared to leave home." I replied biting my bottom lip. Was that my answer to myself? That I would do it? That I would accept the challenge and keep this fighter from becoming the most terrifying creature of all? At the risk of loosing my life.
There I was doubting myself, thinking no. I couldn't possibly say yes to that.
Fronon smiled and tucked a ribbon of my hair behind my ear running his hand down my cheek and whispered, "Well, I've known you for awhile and I know you can do anything you set your mind to."
With those words of encouragement, I laughed raising an eyebrow while I pushed him away, "Stop saying such kind things! You're making me think you've grown up!" I smiled. he always knew how to cheer me up. I was so happy to have him.
Fronon chuckled and continued walking with a simple knowing look in his eyes, "You know, if you want..... maybe you can come with me....." he suggested.
"Hm?" I hummed not sure if I heard him correctly.
"You and I..... we can see the world together." He explained turning to me with that face of excitement and hope.
I laughed nodding my head while looking at the knowledger, a Nymph of supreme knowledge who teaches to the youth, any question can be answered by them, walking by, "That sounds nice."
Fronon smiled, "We could do it." Slowly without my realization he had grabbed my hand, "I would go anywhere with you."
Ears burning I quickly stepped away and whispered too embarrassed to raise my voice to a normal level, "Thanks."
He chuckled putting his hands in his pockets.
I watched my friend...... had he begun to grow different feelings toward me?
I shook my head, those thoughts weren't important. I had to focus on my decision. That's what mattered.
I had to focus. I could never solve the problem if I pushed it aside.
"Think about it okay?" He pleases looking at me with hopeful eyes.
I sighed with a nod. It seemed so little to consider considering I had such a bigger situation at hand........ but if I did go with him did that mean I could escape this? And just travel the world with my best friend. Would that be running away from my problems?
How badly I wished for everything to just become clear Hurt for it weighed down on my chest making my breaths become harder to do.
Please tomorrow never come.


Hey! Sorry for the weird writing I'm deciding how I like to do it! Comment or vote or do the hokey pokey and turn yourself around

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