Jυsт A Lιттℓε Lσηɢεя • 【Masrur】

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Ja'far was at his wit's end. He already lost count of how many times it had already happened, but it never ceased to drive him to complete exasperation.

Where in the world was Masrur?!

The white-haired advisor hurried hectically along the wide hallways of the Sindrian palace in search of the younger Fanalis. The morning assembly was about to begin and everyone was already present - well, everyone with the exception of Masrur. Ja'far had even managed to get Sin out of bed at such an early hour, but it was a mystery to him where the redhead currently sojourned.

The former assassin quickly figured that he most likely abided somewhere outside since none of the attendants and ladies-in-waiting could wise him up about the red-eyed male's whereabouts.

Ja'far made his way over to your chamber - the second person that was missing. Honestly, how were King Sinbad and the Generals supposed to set a good example for the people if you and Masrur were absent during the morning assembly? Hopefully he could find you; you were his last hope to tell him where the Fanalis was.

The youthful-looking man knocked on your door. "[Name], the assembly will begin shortly, are you awake?" Though, no response came from the other side. The only thing greeting him was utter silence. Ja'far was in wonderment; were you still sleeping?

"[Name]? I'm coming in." With that said, the silver-eyed man opened the wooden chamber door and peeked inside.

And to his surprise the room was void of any living soul. The interior was perfectly tidy; not a single thing lying out of place. Your bed was neatly made, meaning you weren't sleeping at all and had most likely gotten up some time ago. Now the only question remaining was where did you go?

Ja'far couldn't help but let out a frustrated sigh as he massaged his temples in a stressed-out manner. This was just great!

Where in the world were Masrur AND you?!


His vibrant hair was still so soft - something you hadn't expected the first time you've run your fingers through it. Masrur was sleeping soundly, his head comfortably resting in your lap. The early morning sun daintily caressed the Sindrian island, its warm beams illuminating the Fanalis's complexion.

You smiled gently at the redhead as you let your hand slowly wander through his red locks to his cheek. This situation was actually nothing new for you.

Since a few weeks ago Masrur had developed this particular habit. The red-eyed male would wake you up at a quite early hour just to take you out to this place in the palace's garden and sleep in your lap as the sun rises. To put it simply, he preferred your lap over the pillows in his bed. You didn't mind it one least bit since the young General only did this once in a while.

Suddenly a small Papagoras landed atop your head and cawed. You giggled quietly at the red-feathered bird; you often saw them flock around Masrur when he was taking naps outside in the Sindrian forest. Though, the thing that astonished you was the fact that despite their usually aggressive nature they behaved completely calm and peaceful around you as well. For some reason unknown to you the Papagoras accepted you, especially in the redhead's company.

The claret-colored bird cawed one more time before it hopped off of your head and perched on Masrur's armored stomach. It was obviously waiting for him to awake.

A blitheful smile adorned your lips as a gentle breeze wafted your way, stirring up the leafy crowns of the trees around you and playing with your [hair color] tresses. The young General in your lap shifted his head to the side when the warming sun tickled his nose, but he remained in his peaceful slumber.

You loved seeing him in that state - perfectly relaxed and completely at ease. It was a pretty rare sight for his face almost always sported a stoic expression.

Unthinkingly, you lithely lowered your torso and pecked the red-haired Fanalis on the cheek. Maybe your mind was playing tricks on you, but you could've sworn you just saw the corners of his mouth twitch slightly upwards after your sweet touch. It was an extremely fleeting movement, but it was still there. You briefly wondered if Masrur was still dreaming or had already woken up.

Then, all of a sudden, the Great Bell loudly sounded, snapping you out of your placid moment with the muscular redhead and also waking the latter in the process. The bell-ringing reverberated through the air, signaling that the morning assembly had already begun.

"We are late." Masrur stated impassively when his sleepy mind had finally returned from dreamland to the here and now. He was about to get up, but you prevented him by grabbing his arm. When the young redhead directed his gaze your way you responded with a gentle smile.

"Let us stay just a little longer."

"But Ja'far-san will get angry." This was a plausible argument. You both - and pretty much everyone in the palace - knew to not mess with the former assassin's patience. King Sinbad could certainly tell a thing or two about it...

However, your smile didn't falter. "Don't worry about that, I will explain everything to him later." With that said you placed Masrur's head back into your lap. "But for now you should go back to sleep. It's still pretty early."

Surprisingly the armored General complied as he stared at you for a few moments with a scrutinizing look before closing his eyes. You delicately brushed a few stray strands of hair away from his face and turned your head towards the rising sun, the small smile never leaving your face.

Yes, you'd rather stay here a little longer.

Missing one morning assembly was not the end of the world after all.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2016 ⏰

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