♥38♥ There are things I do d̶o̶ ̶n̶o̶t̶ know

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He grabbed some tissues from the tissue box that Yaoyorozu made for each table and he used it to wipe her mouth for her.

"You remember the first time when you met us?" Yuuki nodded at his question. Tokoyami continued, "There were those who trusted you right off the bat and some who were hesitant on trusting you. But you overcame the barrier of hesitance by simply being you. You don't have to do anything because sometimes not overdoing things will lead to a better outcome." He didn't want her to think too much about it since she was already doing the best she could. He watched her in silence and he could see her improving on many things at her own pace. Sure, there were times when she will fuck up on certain things and end up looking silly, but she always did her best at the end of it. Tokoyami liked the her who always smiled through her hardships. "Just like we all trust you, the wolf side of you will come to trust you too." He started to scratch the back of her neck.

"Hee~." Oh, but she couldn't relax yet. "I want another plate!"

"I'll get your serving for you."

Yuuki was put down on the floor again. She waited for her food with her little beady blue eyes, her tail wagged as she waited for her food.

"See, see! I told you!" Monoma's voice could be heard.

"Hm?" Yuuki looked up to see Monoma and Tetsutetsu.

"See! Hahahaha! She turned into an animal! Hahaha! She looks like a skunk! Ahahahaha!"

"So...so...!" Tetsutetsu was shaking.

"So stupid, right?!"

"So cute! Kendou, come here! Come here! World's manliest animal! The one on the Guinness record for fearless animal!" Tetsutetsu picked up Yuuki and held her up to Kendou, "Look! Isn't she the cutest thing ever?!"

"Tetsutetsu, put Yuuki down. She is like this right now but it doesn't mean she is literally one." Kendou got up from her seat and she removed Yuuki from Tetsutetsu's hold. She carried Yuuki with one arm while her other hand went to send a quick chop to Monoma's neck. "And a honey badger and a skunk are different. Don't be so mean."

"Kendou, fight me tomorrow!" Yuuki suggested in high spirit, "I want to fight you and your big massive fists!"

"Only when you're back to normal, okay?"

"Yay! Ah, I'm still hungry! Where is Tokoyami with my food? Hungry~! Hungry~!"

He looked at Yuuki's way to see she was comically calling out for food. Part of him found her adorable and funny, but there was a part of him who was just a little lonely...


That night, Yuuki was wandering outside the facilities because she couldn't sleep. She was still in her proper honey badger form and she's very wide awake.

"Honey badgers are night creatures." She said she as moved around here and there. "Ah...I can't sleep. Huh?" She found Kirishima sitting on top of a small hill. Kirishima had a blanket around him. He didn't want to catch a cold so he kept it around him.

"Kirishima~." So she made her way to him. She crawled up to his shoulder and she rubbed her cheek against his cheek. "Kirishima, what are you doing not sleeping~?"

"Yuuki?" He smiled, "That's my question too, why aren't you sleeping?"

"Because I am a honey badger."

"Haha, that's true."

Yuuki moved down his shoulder and she lied down across his legs that were crossed. Kirishima smiled and he started to stroke her from the head going down her back.

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