"What why?"

"I told you."

"What is it this time?"

"Wait, Casey."

I walked out of Anthony's and tried to lose myself in the crowd. I needed to go to the Facility, do something. The more I was with Peter, the more I wanted to use my power. It was dangerous. It was dangerous to know what could change the course of time. It was dangerous to have that kind of power since nothing is for certain. I refused to tell Mr.Stark what was happening, the amount of stress and pressure I was under but he wouldnt understand the dangers of knowing everything willingly.


With my breath in my throat, tears burning my eyes, I turned around seeing Peter standing outside of Anthony's rushing towards me.

"Casey, talk to me, please."

I looked around at the people passing us by, really trying to revert myself from talking to him. "It's not that simple. It's not point-blank."

"If you just talk to me-"

"I shouldn't have come," Peter tried talking to me and I looked over at the taxi's in the street. "I have to go." I said before hailing a taxi and getting in, Peter following me as I closed the door and the taxi drove off.

I felt myself panicking in the backseat and managed myself enough to tell the driver the directions that made it as close to the Facility as civilization reached.

I thanked the driver and waited till he drove off to then walk a back way to the Facility.

The woman at the front desk, greeted me and I smiled at her, slightly rushing to the elevator. I swiped my card and hunched over with heavy breaths, my lungs not feeling as if they were working fully.

"Mr.Stark is in the middle of a press conference. Shall I alert Miss Potts of your arrival?"

I stood up straight, leaning my head on the wall with my eyes closed. "No," my voice cracked. "No, that's okay."

The elevator doors opened and I rushed to my room, locking it after me and tossed my bad onto the seat on my desk. I grabbed my black zip up jacket and put on my noise cancelling headphones to make it seem as if I fell asleep when Miss Potts was to check on me later.

I sat on the edge of my bed and looked at the floor, breathing still not regulated and heaved.

Don't do this, I thought to myself.

I have to.

I can't let everyone die.

Mr.Stark's counting on me.

But what will happen to me after?

Before I laid back on the bed and let myself abuse my power, I felt a hand on my shoulder and I jumped to bed frame, peeling the headphones off.

"Hey, whoa, Casey, its me. It's Pepper."

I tried to catch my breath but my mind was already beginning to swarm with everything everyone was doing in the entire universe and I clenched my head from the feeling.

"FRIDAY told me you were here and said your anxiety vitals were haywire. Casey?"

I looked up at her, tears in my eyes from all the noise. "It- It won't stop. I need to change it."

"Change what? Casey, hey." She said, sitting on the bed in in front of me.

I winced, hearing different languages, parties on other planets, arguments across the galaxies, lifes. I couldn't turn it off. Once I let myself steep that low it was hard to get out like I was in the ocean during a hurricane and I couldn't come up for air from constantly being pulled under by the waves.

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