There are many students from our school to come and participate the event. Students from any section and any grades.

Manolo, Aria, Taylor, Luke, me and unexpectedly... Timothy are the ones participating the event. For senior high. I just realized that Timothy is witty but his bad boy fame covered that up.

Manolo and Aria are in charge of the quiz bee. I with Timothy in the science fair. Taylor and luke in essay making.

Aria won her game, while Manolo was given 3rd place. Luke wasn't that smart but still got 7th place, while taylor got 2nd. I, like what you saw... I became the first runner up. Timothy got the third rank.

And have I ever told you that this competition was held at 9:30 pm. And since I am not much of a creative person... I didn't get some sleep because of all the preparations and all the knowledge I need to force in my brain.

Today is one hell of a day. I didn't get some sleep... and the competition ended at... 10:30. While the emcee is still giving gratitude to the judges, participants, staff, organizers and everything else. Which ended at... 11.

After this... I would sleep like I won't wake up.

And finally!!! We can finally sleep. I looked at everyone's faces. They all look energetic. I did notice most of the people sleep at the day just for this event. Everyone but me. Even Timothy slept.

I stood up and made my way to the exit. I got there and took a deep breath. Then a yawn. I walked into the little forest of the camp site. Probably because I want to see the lights in this evening. Looking at the city lights in the dark is most amazing.

I approached a tree and sat under it. I lead on the tree with a yawn. Then my eyes looked as if it would close any moment now. But sleeping here ain't a very good idea. Many unnecessary things can happen. So I decided to force my eye lids open.

Then I heard the sound of steps coming this way. I looked at the direction of the sound and saw a tall and muscular frame. This is a guy. I know.

And then the moon gave me a better view of this man.

"Ohh... Timothy, what are you doing here?" I asked sleepy. Me eye lid are giving up.

The handsome boy sat beside me and looked at the city. "Shouldn't I be the one asking you that?" He asked as he looks at me with a smirk. I scoffed with a smirk.

"Why do you care?" I asked him mockingly. Then he abruptly hovered over me. Then he lead closer to me. I can feel his body on me. His cute face just a inch away from me. His minty breath fanning me gently and his eyes directly at mine.

My heart is racing and my blood boiling. (I might kill him.)

"Because anyone can pull this move on a sleeply lady." He whispered sensually to me with his breath fanning me gently.

Then he went back to his original position which isn't above me. And that made my heart clam down. I took a deep breath and nudged him.

"Oww..." he mocked while rubbing his arms. I rolled my eyes. Those eyes that were about to close. And again, I yawned and looked back at the city lights. And another yawn escaped my lips. And the cold breeze reaches me.

You Think I care? (Unedited)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя