2 - Guess who's back.

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Isabella Hart POV

I turned to face my grandparents with a smile and tears rolling down my face. They both had some tears but still held a smile.

"You both have no idea how much I appreciate you for allowing me to come out here and live with you. You raised me for only a few years but it still feels so much longer," I spoke and took a breath as the lump in my throat grows.
"But thank you so much for everything and I will miss you both so much."

I felt more tears come and the lump in my throat was hard to swallow or shove aside. My grandpa chuckled softly and wipes my tears.
"Sweetie, watching you grow up and raising you over the recent years were good for me."

"What you're grandpa is saying; watching you being born and grow up slowly was great but as you got older and moved in with us... it was amazing to raise you and have you stay with us," My grandma says with a smile and rubs my shoulder softly.
"It was all perfect and we will miss you but we support you 100% slay and love you the same but possibly more."

"I love you both so much." All I could reply and pulled them into another hug; letting some tears fall.

We stayed like this until it was time to board my plane. I gave them both each a hug and bid them farewell before I turned around and walked to the lines where everybody is boarding. I gave security my bag to search and to board my bag in the plane.

I walked through the tunnel and boards the plane officially; being welcomed by the flight attendant and guided to my assigned seat. I gave her a smile and muttered a small thank you before taking my place in my spot next to the window. Just great.

I leaned my head back against the seat and waited for everybody to board the plane before we can finally take off. Anxious but Scary is what I was feeling currently about the plane ride and arriving in New York to return back to the broken family; but it was for a better reason cause now it's my sister that needs me.

Setting down both of my luggage's and sighing, I looked around to see everybody scurrying to their plane or just arriving like me.
I tightened the straps of my backpack and began to walk away from the luggage pickup.

I decided to search for anybody with a sign that said my name; in case my sister and mom decided to be generous and show up to the airport for me... just once. I looked around the in the flooding crowd for a while until I noticed a sign that said 'Bella Hart' and there was only one person who called me Bella.

I looked up to study the person who was holding the sign and took a moment to recognize the familiar face; it was ... Topanga! I squealed I'm excitement and quickly picked up my bags, running to her.

"Topanga!"I said with a cheerful voice, as it's been so long since I've last seen her before I left. "It's been so long! I missed you, I missed everyone in the house."

"We missed you too sweetie! I'm sorry about you're mom not making it.." she spoke up about my mom, trying to excuse her absence.

"I figured and it's okay. I know my mother too well Topanga," I cut her off and gave a smile; despite growing used of my mother lacking parenting skills.

She just nods and gives me a soft smile, before she grabbed some of my luggage's and helped me carry them out to her car. She updated me about how Maya was doing, Auggie, Cory, and Riley have been doing since I've been gone.
Including Josh, as he is back to visit them before he returns back to start freshmen year of college.

"So, Bella are you going to return to school and finish the rest of your senior year?" Topanga asked as she was putting my luggage in the back of her explorer.

"Of course. I made a promise to my grandparents that I would graduate still; no matter if I'm back in Florida or here in New York," I replied to her question. "I owe it to them, myself, and Maya of course."

"You know she does look up to you still," Topanga speaks up about Maya more and I felt my heart break slightly; remembering the message I received from her.

"Y-Yeah, I sure hope so still..." I spoke quietly and squeezed the handles of my luggage; before picking them up and placing them into the back of the explorer. "I mean, after leaving her I only hope."

"Hey, you can't blame yourself for leaving," Topanga cut me off and grabbed my shoulders; turning me to face her.
"You has a good reason and it was understanding. You had a lot on your shoulders and only so much a human can take."

Topanga always knew the exact things to help someone in a messy situation or moment; despite if it is coming out ugly or nice.
"Thank you." I smiled.

"Anytime kiddo, now come on. Let's hurry back before any of the girls come back from school."
She closes the back door and walks to the drivers side of the vehicle.

I nodded and walked to the right side of the car; opening the passenger door and getting inside, closing the door behind me.
We buckled up and pulled out of the parking spot, then drove off out of here.

Be ready New York... Isabella Hart is back.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2018 ⏰

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